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How to Bring Joy Into Your Life

Updated on August 18, 2010

How do you truly bring joy into your life?  How can we learn to be happy?

I used to remember sitting forlornly on the bed and daydreaming of a knight in shining armor whisking me away in his white stallion. Deep down, I knew I wanted to run away from my challenges. I was escaping reality. I wanted to quit on life. Joy was such an elusive emotion then. It seemed hopeless, futile to even think about it. But the tender whispers of the Divine (whom I fondly called Father God) helped me cope tremendously.

“I love you.” He would whisper as I felt the winds brushed away my tears. “You are not alone.” The warmth of the sun would seep into my cold bones comforting me. “Look up! A million stars crown you with light.” God sent angels my way, painted rainbows in my skies; and little by little joy was magnified in my life.

May you allow me now to share how to bring joy into your life as it did in mine.

Love Yourself

Rejoice and celebrate YOU!  That is the first and most important key to bring joy into your life.  Loving yourself means honoring, cherishing, embracing, and accepting yourself.   To allow yourself to make choices, to dream and hope for a better life.  It is acknowledging that you deserve to live a loving and abundant life.

Loving yourself means not feeling guilty when there are times you need space for yourself to be quiet and to be alone.  When you take the time to pamper and tenderly take care of yourself.

During the Wellness Workshops we’ve been giving, we would hear people voice out their feelings of guilt and selfishness whenever they put their needs on the line.  But remember when you take the time to nourish and love yourself, then and only then can you genuinely care and love others.  The more you give to yourself, the more you can love and give to others.    

Be Joy to Others

If you want to experience joy in your life, be joy!  Be joy to others.  Demonstrate joy and you be will be joy in motion.  What a beautiful gift that will be. 

My best friend would often share how the kids bring joy in her life.  When she sometimes feel out of sorts, she would visit the classrooms and start helping kids with their lessons, answering their questions, opening their snacks, helping them put on their shoes; and magically the depression would go away. 

Another friend does volunteer work with orphans and another one will take the time to listen to your problems.  There are many things you can do to brighten someone’s life.  Share and give of yourself and your joy will multiply.

Recipe for Joy by Abraham-Hicks

Dance to the Joyous Rhythm of Life

I have observed that the path to joy is obstructed with resistance.  It is one of the reasons why joy is prevented from flowing into your life.  Words like “I can’t, I won’t, I don’t like, I hate…” are words of resistance.  Instead, say “I can, I will, I like, I love…”  If you want to be joyful and happy, you’ve got to wear your dancing shoes and follow the wonderful and awesome beat of life.  Follow your heart, fulfill your dreams, open your wings and fly.

This lesson resonates with my soul most esp. since I was such a scaredy cat.  I was very fearful then so those words were very familiar to me.  “I’m afraid of making mistakes. I don’t like to look like a fool. I can’t do it, I’m not good enough.”  Now that I’ve grown to love myself more, I no longer beat myself up when I make mistakes.  I now allow myself to experiment, to try to give myself a chance to shine. 

My life has taken a sudden turn as I’ve discovered that I can create ripples with love, with my healing gift and with loving words that can touch people’s lives.

Appreciate Everything and Everyone

Gratitude is the heart of joy.  A joyful heart appreciates all despite the circumstances.  A grateful attitude unlocks the doors to happiness for what you focus one expands.  You will draw into your life what you are most grateful about.

God has been so good to bless my life with angels in all forms –friends, family, strangers who come my way to lift me up, mentor me, inspire me and encouraged me to be the best that I can be.  The more I am grateful for people and events, the more wonderful people I encounter.  And all the challenges have become opportunities for me to grow

Savor the Now

Most of us often look back at our past and recount the painful events over and over again. Many of us will wonder at our future and start fearing it. The best way to live life joyfully is to savor the now. Enjoy whatever it is you are doing. Enjoy the people around you. Being focused on the present moment will bring you joys untold.

May these tips help you bring more joy into your life. Time for pizza, care to join me anyone?

By:  Michelle Simtoco

Ripplemaker shares her joy!

About the Author

Michelle Simtoco enjoys creating ripples everywhere. She writes as ripplemaker on Hubpages; owns and manages a Dynamic Minds Learning House, a preschool; a healer with the gift of touch, a trainer who is passionate about promoting wellness to help people live a life of loving abundance.

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