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Hyper Reading and Speaking in the English Language PART 2: Contraction

Updated on November 13, 2022
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Rhylee Suyom has hopped in three different worlds: the academe, the corporate, and the media. He enjoys being with nature and his family.

When words are contracted, the reader or speaker spends less energy and time delivering a sentence.


CONTRACTION is necessary in smooth delivery and pronunciation in any language

The Power of Contraction

As explained in PART 1, all languages follow four aspects incorporated in the reading and speaking delivery systems which allow anyone to have smooth transitions and presentations of written texts to verbal forms. You may want to revisit PART 1 by clinking on this link On a side note, remember that by the end of the fourth and final aspect, each learner must always use all four in order to become fluent in any language. Now, let's be on with PART 2!

Contraction is the skill of linking and combining many words in a given sentence to sound shorter and smoother helping ease the reader or speaker during delivery. The trick with contraction is either to shorten the actual sounds of many words or to even drop certain words during actual conversation or delivery. To illustrate this, note the following sample sentences given below:

1. Where are you from?

2. I am going to go there.

3. This is a tricky method.

In the first sentence, notice that the words 'Where" and "our" have the same ending sound "rrrr." During the delivery, the word "are" is totally dropped only slightly prolonging the 'rrr" sound then proceeding to finish the short sentence. So in this sentence, it actually sounds like "WerUfrom?"

The second sentence "I am going to go there" has six words but it will contract to only three chunks while dropping the first word "I" since it is understandable during a conversation who is the speaker. "going to" will also contract to become "gonna" and the last two words will be pronounced fully since they are both important to be clearly heard by the receiver. The entire sentence than would sound: "Am gonna go there."

The third sentence "This is a tricky method" will follow the instructions used in the first sentence by dropping the word "is" since this is also the ending sound of the first word "This."The five-word sentence will then be chunked into one large chunk (four words into one) and the last word. This sentence will be read as "Thisasticky method" or nothing may be dropped by the smooth vowel-to-consonant and consonant-to-vowel will be utilized linking all words for the delivery of "Thisisastickymethod."

In summary, the sentences should sound like this:

1. Where are you from? ("WerUfrom?")

2. I am going to go there. ("Am gonna go there.")

3. This is a tricky method. (Thisasticky method.")

Additional Common Contractions

There are other common ways that contraction is done among words in a sentence. The given guide below will be most helpful:

1. have to = "hafta"

2. Going to = "gotta"

3. want to = "wanna"

4. I would = "I'd"

5. Where are/were = "Where"

6. Let us = "Let's"

7. with the = "witha" or "withee"

8. out of the = "Ahdatha"

9. Holding on and on = "Holdinonenon"

10. What do you call it? = "Wachamakolit?"

Vowel First Letter Words after the V-ings

During deliveries or reading, it is also important to pay close attention to v-ings especially when they are followed by words beginning with a vowel such as the #9 example given earlier. Notice how the letter G was dropped so that the next word (beginning with a vowel) is seamlessly linked to the v-ing. This contraction makes it easier for the speaker to have less stress on his or her throat during the delivery.


1. going on a trip = (goinonatrip)

2. taking in a while = (takininawhile)

3. going over = (goinover)

With all these in mind, perhaps a short test will help to become aware of how contraction can be applied during actual reading and delivery.

Take the Linking and Contraction Drill

For the drill, try to use linking and contraction in the given sentences.

1. Irene had to do this work as fast as she could.

2. I do not know what you are talking about.

3. You can bet I am going to be there tonight.

4. You have got to be kidding me.

5. They will come to know it as soon as I am done.

Teaser On:

If you think that you are not having any problems with the linking and contraction skills and techniques, well, you ought to be ready for the third aspect to be learned soon so that eventually they become second nature to your speaking and reading deliveries.

To make things easier for you, click on the link to directly go to PART 3 So make sure to practice and be on the lookout for the third skill you have to learn next!

And for more fun, while working on your contraction skills, buy If You Were A Contraction and/or Contraction Words Peanut Puzzle Game on Amazon. Links to these are given below for your convenience. These will definitely make learning how to contract phrases and sentences easier and more fun. Enjoy!


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