INTUITION - Unspoken Information
Intuition is a type of data pulled from sources from your own system. It's like a radio with several stations on the dial. Some people have an internal frequency that is capable of getting more channels. Everybody has intuition, but a person with a varied background learns many lessons that contribute to the awareness of the physical world. Every new experience adds another station to the dial, creating a type of wiring in your psyche. Intuition activates in risky situations, bringing light and perception beyond physical senses.
Picking up signals
Have you ever had a conversation with someone telling you a story, but you are getting an entirely different picture? That is your intuition. There are so many judgements screaming out. The look in one's eye, hand jestures, language, even the clothes they wear. Honoring those doubts help in guiding us to make a good decision.
As a small child, I could pick up signals and spurt out predictions and the family would laugh at me. But so many things proved to be true, my name became prodigious. Today, my family ask me to meet anyone whose character might be questionable. I'm not right all the time and feel a little uncomfortable with the trust they have in me.
Laura Day, Author of Practical Intuition
It's difficult to clearly define Intuition. It is not hocus-pocus. It is not the same as psychic or clarivoyant. You can be born with it, but anybody can learn the skill. It's like a natural born athlete who has the ability, but without practice the skill is not developed. Some people describe it as a gut feeling. Some say it's a 6th sense. Actually it is. It is a combination of all 5 senses at a heightened awareness of processed information. Most highly successful people trust their intuition.
So I'm honing up the skill for the stock market. Buy low, sell high.