Independent Reading Instruction in the Classroom
Independent Reading in a Balanced Literacy Program
The bell rings to begin a new school day and students bustle into the classroom to hang up their coats. They choose a book from the class library and quickly settle down at their desks to read. It may appear like students are just doing their own thing but really they are reinforcing important lessons in their reading. Independent reading in a balanced literacy program scaffolds students in a gradual release of responsibility, so they can work on consolidating reading strategies, and develop fluency with just right books. It seeks to recognize individual reading levels in order to differentiate instruction and resources for students. Levelled resources and explicit instruction are what separate it from students simply exploring books.
The modelling that students receive in read aloud and shared reading instruction, along with support in guided lessons, all come together during independent reading. Everything students have learned is reinforced during this time and helps them to gain momentum and confidence in their reading. Comprehension and reading strategies are easier to tackle when students are able to read a text with minimal decoding. When students do not have to work so hard, they are more likely to experience a real purpose and enjoyment for reading.
Independent Reading Teacher's Guide
- Teaching Independent Reading Assessment
This free document contains everything a teacher needs to set up a highly effective independent reading assessment program in the classroom.
Selecting Just Right Books
To assist children in their attempt to be independent readers it is necessary to provide instruction on selecting just right books. This process teaches children to assess their own needs as a reader. The following categories are a general guideline for choosing books.
Too Easy You can read all the words fluently and understand all the ideas.
Too Challenging You know many words but cannot understand the main ideas of the story. It is hard work to read the book.
Just-Right You can confidently read most of the words and understand most of the ideas with very little help from the teacher or your peers.
Developing Reading Fluency
An independent reading program stresses the value of re-reading to develop fluency. The challenge is showing students a purpose for reading texts again. A trick is to navigate students into new features of the text and show them ways to exercise strategies. A second, third, and even fourth reading of a piece of text can be made interesting, if it is approached with a different purpose and focus each time.The purpose for reading a text might initially be for comprehension and decoding and then when it is re-visited the purpose may be to practice fluency and expression, or to investigate the use of punctuation.
Independent reading in a balanced literacy program cultivates better readers. It ensures students have lots of opportunity to read and feel successful. It is a confidence builder and strengthens the use of reading strategies students will need for new and more complex texts. Sight word fluency, meaning and structure, and comprehension are all consolidated during independent reading. It also provides valuable information about student’s reading; that help to drive future teaching decisions and support the individual learning needs of students.
Setting Up For Success
Guide students to acquire a variety of just right texts.
Provide mini-lessons to assist children in making appropriate book selections.
Organize books in the classroom library by genre or other criteria.
Make use of the school library.
Utilize website articles to build a collection of texts.
Use mini-lessons to instruct reading strategies.
Practice independent reading daily.
Have students keep a journal to track their reading and make reflections.
Conclude the reading block with opportunity for students to share reflections and insights into their reading.
Conference regularly with students and assess learning.
Share your own joy for reading and have fun!
Independent Reading Response Activities
Instant Independent Reading Response Activities: Reproducible Literature-Response Activities and Graphic Organizers-for ANY BOOK-That Help ... Reading and Build Important Skills.
Articles for Reading and Learning
- Assessment for Learning to Helps Kids Succeed
Assessment is an important tool in the learning process,that provides useful information to be used for programming and instruction. See how assessment information is also essential for helping children succeed in learning. - Digital Photo Books that Teach Literacy to Children
There are many learning opportunities that can happen with the use of digital photography. Discover the power of photos to teach children early literacy skills that help develop reading and writing. - Teaching Kids to Be Critical Thinkers
In today's fast paced world of technology children need to be lifelong learners. Learn the keys to preparing children to be critical thinkers in the 21st century. - Five Fun Phonics Games for Children
Make learning phonics fun for children with these five phonics games that are sure to inspire reading. - Questions to Ask Kids that Build Communication
A parents interaction with their child is important. They are role models that support the development of conversation skills. By using strategies that facilitate meaningful discussions parents can assist a child's thinking and improve their communic - Website Articles: A Great Reading Resource for Kids
Discover endless reading resources available on the web for children. Learn about the power of quality texts for developing reading motivation and explore practical tips for maximizing reading sessions with your child.