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Key Verses in Understanding Nostradamus

Updated on October 29, 2012

Getting the times in synch with the sky is essential

Some civilizations linked their day count directly to the sky and the calendar was created around this. In contrast, some calendars were designed more for the pragmatic day to day work cycle.
Some civilizations linked their day count directly to the sky and the calendar was created around this. In contrast, some calendars were designed more for the pragmatic day to day work cycle. | Source

This work is co-written by myself and W. F, Raymond, who provided the inspiration for this series.

Concerning the Calendar change

Century 1 Verse 42

Les dix Calendes d'Avril de fait Gothique,

Rescuscite encor par gens malins,

Le feu estaint, assemblee diabolique,

Cherchand les os de d'Amant et Psellin.

The tenth of the Calends of April, Gothic account,

Raised up again by malicious persons,

The light put out, a diabolical assembly,

Seek for the bones of the lovers and Psellus.


The "loss" of the ten days when the Vatican during Pope Gregory's reign changed the Calendar from the Julian to the Gregorian, was viewed as diabolical and as black magic by the people. They thought that they were robbed of ten days of there lives and wanted the ten days back. This change took place on October 4th to 15th of 1582 owing to the fact that the Vatican discovered that the calender and spring equinox were out of synchronicity by a factor of ten days (early April was prior to the change, the time of the actual equinox). The fact of sidereal time versus Julian time was known by the Hindus since their fist contact with the west. They incorporated an ayanamsha (the difference between the sidereal and the tropical zodiacs) into their astrology so that an easy conversion could be made from the tropical system of the west to their own system. The ayanamsha was not used in the west, thus the slipping of the spring equinox away from its true position. Even today under the Gregorian calendar, we still cling to the 0 degrees Aries for the sidereal point and thus require an ayanamsha to convert to true sidereal. The difference now stands at some 24 degrees (2008). At the time of the Gregorian from Julian conversion, the difference was some 13 degrees. Yet they chose to "take" 10 days likely due to a different ayanamsha of which there are many. The true equinox was noted when a shaft of sunlight shone into a temple on the only day of the year that it could. i.e., the spring equinox.

The Indians of India and the Mesoamerican civilizations of the Maya and Aztecs did not have this problem as their systems were based directly on observations of the sky. The incorporation of the ayanamsha was a translation device for the east to west and vice versa. Nostradamus by implication, used the sidereal positions, which alters many dates others hold as important. Except for specifically mentioned years, all astrological positions have to be seen in sidereal terms.

A crucial calendar change

The saros series determines where full solar eclipses will be seen

Total solar eclipses follow a complex series consists of a group of saros cycles that tell us where the best viewing of a total eclipse of the sun is best seen on the earth.
Total solar eclipses follow a complex series consists of a group of saros cycles that tell us where the best viewing of a total eclipse of the sun is best seen on the earth. | Source
This graph shows some eclipse cycles in the greater saros series.
This graph shows some eclipse cycles in the greater saros series. | Source

Nostradamus on the Great Lunar Cycle

Century 1 Verse 48

Vingt ans du regne dela lune passez,

Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie,

Quand le soleil prendra ses jours laissez,

Lors accomplit a mine ma Prophecie.

Twenty years of the moons reign pass,

Seven thousand years another holds the power,

When the sun resumes former glory,

Then the cycle of my prophecy is finished.


In this key quatrain we learn of the great lunar cycle of which Nostradamus was familiar. This is a saros series bridging a span of time of about 7,000 years. These cycles were seen as both lunar centered and sun centered. When one series ends, the other commences. These spans of time are given to the moon and sun alternately. The other cycle that we should consider is the 354 year cycle. The quatrains were published 20 years into one of these cycles. Judging by what is written, the next great cycle of 7,000 years is timed as the 7,000 years after 1535. There are many ways to measure a saros series and it depends on ones location when to start one. There is however, an 'absolute' measure that can be timed with solar or lunar eclipses on the day of the spring equinox. The other key is the placing of the beginning of the saros cycle from the north or south pole.

The average length of time of development of civilization from scratch and from a handful of people is 7,000 years as mediated by astronomical circumstances. The previous end came 12,600 years ago. Current development spans 6,000 years leaving a "quiet" period of some 6,600 years. Nostradamus of course was schooled in astronomy/astrology. He appreciated that the Earth orbited the sun a hundred years before Copernicus. Prior to this we have to look to Proclus, the Greek philosopher who held that view 2,000 years earlier. Thus, this is a working quatrain. If we take the year 3979 as Nostradamus' "last year" then the start of the cycle is 3020 BCE. This is remarkably close to the Maya start year of 3116 BC, the difference being 96 years.

This is only a small part of the great lunar cycle

Aldebara is one of the brightest stars in the heavens and is one of the principle stars used from measuring in the zodiac. It is known as the bill's eye.
Aldebara is one of the brightest stars in the heavens and is one of the principle stars used from measuring in the zodiac. It is known as the bill's eye.

The Dawning of an Age

Century 3 Verse 46

Le ciel (de Plancus la cite) nous presage

Par claires insignes et par etoiles fixes,

Que de son change subit s'approche l'age,

Ni pour son bien, ni pour ses malefices.

The sky (of Plancus' city) forebodes to us

Through clear signs and fixed stars,

That the time of its sudden change is approaching,

Neither for its good, nor for its evils.


The sky over Lyons (or for that matter, any other place) gives us forewarning. The signs are very clear based upon the fixed stars (sidereal zodiac). From Nostradamus' point of view, the age of Aquarius is about to break, bring forth great and sudden change. The ultimate change is wrought that to the heavens is neither good nor evil. Also, at the dawning of the next age; Aquarius, which is now coming upon us brings forth its own good and evil upon the world.

The fixed stars are the fixed cross and the four brightest stars in the heavens. They were used as the prime markers for calculation along with other important stars like Sirius and the pole star. These stars are Aldebaran in Taurus, Regulus in Leo, Antares in (alpha) Scorpio/Eagle and Sadalmelik in (alpha) Aquarius. Nostradamus used sidereal astrology as did the Vedic and Maya astrologers.

Nostradamus also tells us that there is no ultimate end or fantastic new beginning, but a dialectical mix of both good and evil.

Some knowledge goes back much further than most suspect and Nostradamus drew on this


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