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Lessons Achieved in an Adoptive Country

Updated on February 4, 2025
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Lessons Achieved in an Adoptive Country

Lessons learned in Croatia!

Years have gone by, and I still share my lessons learned from my adoptive country, with my readers about Croatia.

Writing about such experiences gives me a better perspective of my lifestyle.

Lessons are learned every day, by everyone it is how you grasp those lessons, and it is that matters to you and me. In everything, I experienced I learned a lesson.

Everything I first experienced has been a lesson to me.

I am courageous, confident, and happy in my discoveries in my adoptive country, Croatia. It was tough and I had many setbacks, and failures before I got to a steady platform.

The rough climb taught me about life indeed! Time healed wounds but did not clear the scars. It is such scars that remind me of how I lived in my past life and of how I improved a different lifestyle. The many changes and plans allowed for progress in this life.

With the ability to accept the situation, I realized how courageous I have been and of what I learned along the way to feel this way.

An experience allowed me to let go of the anger, and bitterness I had when the change affected me in a foreign country.

Happiness comes from within, and if I have my happiness everything else will slowly come to me.

Lessons Achieved in an Adoptive Country

I am responsible for my happiness, and no one can or will make me happy, that part is up to me, to be happy and free from the negativity around the community.

A walk in the countryside, a treat, or a simple conversation with friends, and family is how I feel happy. Overall, I am a happy person.

That is what I call true happiness from within and not from other people.

What offers you happiness?

The point is, I appreciate what I have and if any extras that are a bonus. If any person doesn’t appreciate what they have, they won’t appreciate anything else for a much longer period.

How could they appreciate the fancy things if they don't first appreciate the little things?

People who do this have an emptiness that is not being filled from within, and this emptiness can't be filled from the outside. A lesson learned; I shouldn't hold on to anger.

The best is to let go of that anger move on and forgive each other for the little or the big squabbles.

I don't keep anger, it would destroy me and would have made me feel like I don't have any good qualities.

Good qualities override the bad qualities in people. Anger makes people perform actions they are likely to regret later. The best is to move away from that emotion quickly.

To let go of the hurt you live better and allow yourself to experience more happiness than sadness. Skills developed are based on what you conquer daily.

The reality is you can't forget anything that happened to you, but you can try to make peace with yourself.

Whether you are living in your birth country, or in an adoptive country, life is what you make of it.

Acceptance is key to a new life and a new beginning in your chapter of stories. In life, you need the basics, and the extras are part of what you spoil yourself with.

You need to communicate, to be with good people.

The experience allowed a part of me to receive, accept, interpret, and gain knowledge of what is around me. A purpose I couldn't ignore, I needed that in my life.

A whole new understanding of a different culture was required of me to gain knowledge of this culture, the language, the people, and the new surroundings, and the approach was sudden.

I opened myself to an unknown lifestyle and figured out the secrets of life here, had to know how to move forward effectively.

Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and with openness to knowing how to live a life in a different country.

An overwhelming experience it has been and facing up to my challenges showed me the greater purpose of life.

The willingness to learn a foreign language wasn't in me at first.

Without having to be willing I couldn't do it from day one. Being unwilling to speak the Croatian language allowed for a longer time to speak the foreign language.

Overcoming the behaviours of other people accepting me or those who don't accept me didn't affect me in any way. I am unique and realize in the small community where I live, there is no doubt their curious minds are wondering about me.

It often occurred to me that if I had something to say to someone it had to be in the right place, and at the right time. To deal with issues I needed to know how and when to do it.

Lessons learned are lessons you shouldn’t forget in your everyday life actions or communications.

The great challenges have shown me how to understand people and a new culture with an open mind.

Expressions come in different methods and make the most of that. I had taken to gardening and enjoyed this pastime. New experiences have made life feel better in Croatia.

A simple life can get complicated if you make it complicated!

What is important?

Knowledge and wisdom!

Wise and older teaches you to be more thoughtful in your decisions as I have learned in time.

People do make the same mistakes twice, though I prefer to learn from my mistakes the first time around.

I grew wiser and can share my experiences with others. The knowledge gained in this experience through being educated about a foreign country has shown me the way of life and resolved problems.

When you look at a problem and know how to solve that, it tells you of the wisdom and knowledge you have for that problem.

You recognize, explain, and embrace others in society, and to be able to accept one another, and get to know one another is a reality. I felt this way and found my new self in this life.

There are harmful situations and you need to show your kindness throughout those moments, Value what you have and understand why you have that.

First, think of what you want in your life before you judge others in their lifestyles. I learned through others who gave me the chance to achieve my new lifestyle here. A lifestyle unknown to me, but just what I need for myself.

Time spent communicating with the local people made me wiser in our small neighbourhood.

I trust that my views on lessons learned and wisdom have enlightened you about humanity and its experiences.

Various problems affected my daily lifestyle, and through that, I saw my new culture. Anyone can live in a foreign country, but this is only if one can adapt to such lifestyle changes.

Life for you to start over and to feel safe and happy in your environment. Be strong and believe in yourself to move on to another chapter in your life.

Many years have passed and I have settled into this life. A different foreign life and with challenges I am still faced with daily.

I often think I have progressed well even though the language is so difficult I finally worked out grammar.

Life is what you make of it!

Beautiful surroundings


Lessons learned from your experiences

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Devika Primić


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