Live Trap For Squirrels Modified for Mice
My live mouse traps (ie, cats) are afraid of mice. Almost terrified. Or, it's the sound of a busy mouse in a strange area, that led my cats to seek an alternate location.
My assumption is that if I were to catch an actual mouse in my trap, they would fein interest. Perhaps disdain.
I was going to find some painters plastic, use my sewing machine and make a plastic box for the live trap, and, suddenly, I saw a plastic package of water bottles and the plastic looked like the plasticness I was picturing in my mind.
Struck by a burst of laziness, I proceeded to cut the end of the package so I could insert my trap.
I left a small hole so I could set the trip lever.
Struck by yet another burst of laziness, instead of closing the other hole in the end of the package, I took a plastic grocery sack and placed it across the end of the trap.
I baited the spoon with peanut butter and made it stick to the trip lever, upside-down so the mouse had to pull on the trip lever to get all of the food.
It will either work, or not work.