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Main Differences Between Apache and Apache Solr

Updated on September 14, 2021
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Nyamweya is a Kenyan scholar who has done many years of research on a diversity of topics.


The Apache, commonly referred as Apache HTTP is a server that is operates on many servers where its service monitor offers many options. It plays an important role in the development and growth of the World Wide Web. Apache was particularly created as an HTTP server that is open source, meaning that it can be modified by any user. The server is able to operate on any hardware or any operating system. Apart from it being a broad platform support, Apache is also configurable. The Apache software is availed in many operating systems such as FreeBSD, Solaris, UNIX, Novell NetWare, Microsoft windows and eComStation.

Apparently, Apache Solr is an enterprise wise search engine platform that is also open source. It is characterized by hit highlighting, full text search, dynamic clustering, and handling of rich documents such as PDF and integration of database. The however, lies on the sense that while Apache is a server that runs on many servers, Apache Solr is an enterprise wise search engine. Sorl uses HTPP and XML in communication with regard to indexing documents or in executing searches.


The main features of Apache Solr include shema, query, core, Caching, Solr cloud, and administrative interface (Linux, 2009, 1). The main features of Apache differ with those of Sorl to a great extent. They include support for programming languages that are server side and supporting authentication schemes. They also include some popular language interface, which include Tcl, Python, Perl and PHT. Other features include transport layer security; secure socket layer, a proxy module, custom log files, URL rewriter and filtering support (Burton, 2003, 334).


Contrary to Apache Sorl which was designed to offer enhanced and faster web services, Apache was apparently not designed to become the “fastest web server” (Burton, 2013, 25). Rather, Apache was purposed to improve the amount of throughput, as well as reducing latency in relation to handling many requests. Its main aim is to ensure reliability and consistency when handling requests within a period that is reasonable. In essence, the performance of Apache is relatively slower in the delivery of static pages when compared with Apache Sorl. This is contrary to Apache Solr which apart of it being blazingly fast, is also a scalable search server.

Also contrary to Apache Sorl, which is solely managed by the Apache software foundation, Apache is an open online server, which can be adapted by anyone in accordance to his, or her particular needs. In this perspective, users of Apache can tailor the functionality to their specific context (Mitchell, 2012, 116).Apache is also considered more portable in comparison to Apache Sorl. For instance, it is able to run on Linux, UNIX, BeOs, Windows and many other mainframes.


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