Modern Architecture in the Phoenix, Arizona Area
I guess I should begin this by stating I do not plan to examine this subject in depth so if you are looking for that sort of thing you probably want to move on. I plan to just give some brief layman commentary on some pictures of houses and buildings that I think are cool mixed with a little bit of history on those structures if I happen to know any. I am not an architect and I have never played one on TV (though I was quite the Brady Bunch fan in my younger days).
Look, I'll be frank with you (no pun intended for you FLW fans out there), the only reason I know when a house is an example of Modern architecture is because someone told me. But inevitably when someone says "Hey, look at that fine example of Modern architecture," the building is always awesome. And when those structures are in Arizona, they always seem to be just a notch above the rest. So kick off your shoes, sit back, and lets take a look at some house-sized (and larger) Modern art.
(See, this is exactly what I mean about my commentary. I have no idea what the connection between Modern architecture and Modern art is or even if there is one. But it sounded cool...)