My Thoughts on the Eclipse
It came.
It happened
It is gone
Note: In the neck of the woods
where I live we were suppose to
have 94% of an eclipse, but it was
too cloudy to see anything. So life
goes on........................................
More Moon News:
The term blue moon refers to two full moons in any one calendar month. This is a more recent definition of this phenomenon, where the blue moon is considered to be the second full moon in a calendar month. Two full moons in one month may occur in any month out of the year except for February, which is shorter than the lunar cycle. An event as rare as two full moons in one month is naturally grounds for a celebration, and that's certainly what our Mayan brothers and sisters must have done many years ago. However this tradition has been been long forgotten, and lost over time. Let's all be happy that this is the only thing that the Mayan people expected to happen in the year 2012 when their calendar actually came to an end. We may not know everything that is involved with a full moon, but we do know that the tides of our oceans are controlled by the moon. We have seen some people act strangely upon the eve of a full moon. In folklore we know that the legendary werewolf goes on the prowl when a full moon rises into the night sky. We know that it's a lot lighter outside, and easier to see during a night when a full moon is up and out. Of course this also has a lot to with cloud cover as well. Finally we all know that there have been many songs and poems written about our big bright moon.
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