Natures Best
Beautiful Natural Weather Condition
While traveling home Saturday, I stopped at the supermarket to pick up a few things for preparation of dinner that evening. When we drove into the parking lot we saw this beautiful bright full spectrum rainbow. It was awesome and just by luck I happened to have the camera with me, so I stepped out and shot a picture of it!
As most of us think, this is just something that results in a certain condition being met in the atmosphere, but I've often thought that when you see a rainbow in the sky, it's God smiling on you, to let you know His love is infinite and infalliable.
This particular rainbow event was extraordinary in that it was very bright, totally visible from horizon to treetops. The colors were so vivid and clearly seen. This picture, as you can imagine really does no justice to the beauty of such a visual event. But I thought it would be nice to share, just to see if anyone comments about thier experiences with seeing rainbows.