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Need To Know Facts Part 3

Updated on October 9, 2017

Android OS Fact

All Android versions are named after confectionary and deserts except for version 1.0 and 1.1.

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Queen's Mansion Fact

The Queen's mansion exterior in the television series Arrow was filmed at the Hatley Castle. The same castle that is used for the Luthor mansion in Smallville, and for Professor Xavier's castle in X-men.

Telephone Switching Fact

The inventor of the automatic telephone switching was an undertaker named Almon Strowger who created it because the wife of his competitor was the town operator who directed any call for an undertaker to her husband rather than to Strowger.

Bill Gates Fact

Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, has given away $28 billion since 2007, saving 6 million lives.

Burj Khalifa Fact

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai consists of 164 floors and is known as the tallest building in the world.

Cape Winelands Fact

The Cape Winelands in South Africa has about 560 wineries where Route 62 is considered the longest wine route in the world.

Planet Ceres Fact

There is a planet between Mars and Jupiter known as Ceres. It's a dwarf planet, like Pluto, and may contain water and an atmosphere.

Cheese Fact

Cheese is the most stolen food in the world.

Chinese Characters Fact

There are about 40 000 written Chinese characters and fourth graders in China are expected to know 2000 characters. After college people are expected to know between 4000 and 5000 characters.

China Fraud Fact

In China, company executives can be sentenced to death for committing fraud.

Chinese Railway Fact

if you put together all the railway lines in China it could loop right around the world twice.

China Lucky Color Fact

China considers the color red to be a lucky color. Even wedding dresses, new year banners, and lucky money envelopes are still red.

Chinese Rice Fact

The Chinese started growing rice for as long as 5000 BC.

Socks Fact

One-third of socks you own is made in Datang in China known as the sock city.

Dubai Economy Fact

Dubai's economy is mainly based on tourism and real estate. Oil constitutes only 6 percent of Dubai's economy.

Dubai Mall Fact

The largest shopping center in the world is the Dubai Mall and has over 1200 shops to choose from.

Dubai Police Car Fact

Cops in Dubai make use of fleet cars which includes Ferrari, Bentley, and Lamborghini.

Indoor Ski Resort Fact

There is an indoor ski resort in Dubai mall and constitutes an area of 22500 square meters.

Gigayacht Fact

The Gigayacht of Frank Mulder was sold on E-bay for $168 million and is also the most expensive thing sold on E-bay.

Honeybee Collection Fact

Honeybees visit between 50 and 100 flowers on a collection trip.

Honeybee Flight Fact

One ounce of honey fuels a bee's flight around the world.

Hugh Jackman Coffee Shop Fact

Hugh Jackman (Wolverine from the X-men series) owns a coffee shop named Laughing Man and gives 100% of its profits to charity focussing on education.

Hummer Fact

GM South Africa is the only place outside the USA that produces the Hummer H3.

Ice-Cream Fact

Around 2000 BC ice-cream was invented in China.

Wine Fountain Fact

In Italy, there is a fountain that provides free wine 24 hours a day. Anyone is welcome to enjoy some of the revitalizing wine.

Jack Daniels Fact

Employees at Jack Daniels get a free bottle Jack Daniels every month with their paycheck.

JK Rowling Fact

Harry Potter writer, JK Rowling, was the first person to become a billionaire through writing and was once wealthier than the queen of England.

Johnny Depp Fact

Movie star, Johnny Depp, travels with his Captain Jack Sparrow costume to make unplanned visits to sick kids in hospitals.

© 2017 Chad Crouch


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