Our Turbulent Sun : Part 4
Another amazing fact that Nassim Haramein talked about was not too long ago (February 2003), a massive comet TWICE the size of Jupiter was actually on a collision course with our sun. I laughed when he said: “You didn’t hear about that on the news now, did you? Well, he had gotten a hold of the actual footage taken by the satellite that shows the massive comet with a tail that actually touched Earth’s atmosphere rushing towards the sun, and then something really weird happens! The comet jerks out of its path as if being pushed by a giant hand (it was a solar flare!), then continues it path on the other side of the sun!! Wow..what happened? No one can explain it, the scientists, NASA, according to them, we should be dead. A massive comet like that shooting across our solar system would have interrupted the orbits of the planets it crossed over. Yet nothing happened, why? It defies the logic of all we know. It should have caused massive tidal waves across the earth, it didn’t and no one can explain why we are still here! Man that is scary. When I read and saw this, I was amazed!! Nassim Haramein explains that he thinks we were given a second chance, but by who and what?
© 2010 K D Martel