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Prepper Camp, Saluda, NC ............Information...........

Updated on November 17, 2017

Prepper Camp, Saluda, North Carolina


Prepper Camp, Saluda, North Carolina

Prepper Camp, in Saluda, North Carolina, was started by Rick and Jane Austin to help people learn basic knowledge, gain skills and acquire information to be able to withstand opposition, find facts and to survive 3 days and beyond in an event that would interrupt daily routine lifestyles.

Classes would be taught from 8 am till 5 pm and special events, speeches and cookouts would be held Friday, Saturday and partial day on Sunday. The classes taught would be between 45 minutes to an hour and about an hour for lunch. The subjects listed consisted from basic prepping, canning, cooking, solar, solar cooking, electrical grid, solar panels, hidden gardens, chickens, ducks, rabbits, hygiene, dehydration, guns, weapons, self defense, economy, EMPs, Solar Flares, collapse of the economy, mobs, robbery, archery, wild game, hydroponics, aquaponics, fish, wild edibles, living off the land, worse case scenarios, government, money, Bug Out Bags,Back to Basics, Get Out of Dodge Bags, Hunker Down Bags, Get Back Home Bag and many more. All the instructors are qualified and top of the line...

The Prepper Camp is located at Saluda, North Carolina, in the Orchard Lake Campground. This campground is nestled in the mountains of North Carolina, with two lakes, many RV campsites and sites for tents. Across the road, tent city has been established for more tent sites and where groups can gather together.

Rick and Jane Austin, who put on the Prepper Camp each year


Teaching Processing Goat at Prepper Camp

Packed Tent for Training, Instruction and Learning Skills


Why Prepper Camp

In the last decade, the United States has dramatically changed from a law-abiding civilization to where the law has been turned over to ones who have the most power. The world has become more populated, at the figure of about 7 billion people. Technology has advanced to the point of tracking each package and dollar that goes through the checkout at the supermarket to tracking all the movement of each individual in civilized countries.

The weather patterns are unpredictable, comets and asteroids are near misses to the earth, Coronal Mass Ejections and solar flares from the sun are common occurrences that could burn the earth and damage the electrical systems.

Just going out into the world now, a person might be involved in a car wreck, flat tires, muggings, riots, mobs, power outages, car jacking, job loss, sickness, death, hunger, snow, ice, severe weather, smoke, fire, break-ins, robberies or just don't have any money left to buy bare essentials.

A person needs to be prepared for those things that he/she can control and not be in the dark when events happen. This is where "Prepping" comes into play. A person would think ahead, prepare for those events that are likely. While a person can not prepare for everything and every event, they can try to stay alive with what knowledge, skills and items they have prepared before hand.

YOU are responsible for YOURSELF


Why YOU?

The environment that you grew up in was protected and now each day, the future is so uncertain. Baby-Boomers represent about 65% of the population, which means that they are starting to retire, leaving 35%. Of the 35%, about 17% are not working due to their education commitments. There are some states, right now, have more people on welfare than there are working. While the medical cost are on an all time high, the amount of taxes are skyrocketing to keep in pace of the welfare, the retired people, the school students, the government paid personnel, and giving other countries benefits.

What is to happen? Whether you have your pensions in Social Security, stocks, bonds, 401k, under your bed or in savings, there is no way that the citizens can continue to live in the lifestyle that has been established. A crashing economy has to happen, with the cost of living, cost of food, cost of medical, taxes and education spiral out of control.

United States, through the history, has not been destroyed that much with destruction and chaos because of war, earthquakes, bacteria, chemical spills, volcanoes, nuclear debris as other countries. The United States's history could change at any minute. Many nations, including China, India, North Korea, Iran and Russia have the capability to take down our power grid, disable our transportation systems, disrupt our fuel pipelines, inject biological agents into the population and to create pandemonium and anarchy at the touch of a button.

Just one volcano was blamed for the "YEAR WITH A SUMMER" back in the 1800's where it snowed and stayed frozen in the US all the year, including July and August, preventing food from being planted and harvested. This was when the average family lived on farms, raised their own food and stored more than 6 months of food to carry them over till the next season. Now the United States and most of the industrialized world have what they call, "JUST IN TIME", which means that the factories, warehouses and stores do not carry back stock and excess inventory and only order it when they are out. One broken link in the supply chain might cause long delays, shut down production lines or cause massive outages.

One of the events that happened back in 1859 was the Carriden Event, which was a massive solar fair that the sun unleashed. This plasma charged flare hit the earth with fury that the telegraph lines melted, coils melted, street lights blew out and created havoc though out the civilized world. Today, with the computers, electronic circuitry and the massive electrical grid, this type of plasma from the sun would fry the electronics in cars, buses, trains, planes, trucks, communication equipment and electronic money. This country runs on electricity and this country moves with electricity. Without electricity, we have no refrigeration, limited heat, no way to pump gas and fuel, no transportation and limited food supplies.

Planning for Weather Conditions


Why go to Prepper Camp

There are numerous reason to go to Prepper Camp, but finding out knowledge that you most likely not know would be the number one reason. You only can live 3 days without water, 3 months without food and after 3 months, people start eating each other. In your mind, you say that this could and would never happen. In situations in the United States, this kind of event happens each year. Planes crash in remote places, cars slide off the road and the occupants can not get out and boats shipwreck and sink. Having the knowledge, skills and information to be able to survive might mean your life, your family's life and your community's existence.

You have about 3 seconds to decide your course of action, in many circumstances. If you are skiing and you get caught in an avalanche, you are snowmobiling across the lake and the lake breaks, throwing you into the bitterly cold water, your child falls into 12 feet water at the motel or you are at your place of business and your co-worker starts shooting everyone in sight because of a marital dispute, you must decide what course of actions in three seconds or there may be loss of life.

According to the Bible, it states, "BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, MY PEOPLE PERISH". It does not say, "you do not have food, clothing, protection... it states because of lack of knowledge.". Knowledge, information, wisdom, skills, networking, companionship, mind-set, know-how and having a sense of survival-ism comes into play. Knowing who, what, how, how many, how cold, how hot, what animals and plants to eat and knowing how to start a fire makes being able to survive longer also makes rescue more of a probability.

Do you know how to make a shelter, how to start a fire without matches, how to set a snare for food, how to collect and treat water, how to keep warm/cool, what to do while a home invasion is going on, what to do if a person is holding a gun on you and your family demanding all your money or what do you do if you are going down the road and are blocked by a mob? These are realistic events that could happen to you, your family or community members.

Prepper Camp has speakers, teachers, demonstrators, instructors and leaders that hold classes Friday, Saturday and Sunday in September of each year. Some of these classes are hands on while others are lectures and talks. Each one of these professional people are very knowledgeable and have the intelligence that is needed to convey the subjects.

Prepper camp also has the very best of prepping and survival vendors. They not only sell, but teach about their products and wares. When it comes down to learning and being part of the prepping community, this Prepper Camp is a must to attend and the knowledge gained will last forever.

Laws Of Three

There seems to be certain laws that govern how long we live, how we attain our food, how we live and our future, so it is in the laws of surviving and growing older.

God promises us that longevity is associated with obeying our Father and Mother, but there are other rules that we should look into that Wisdom, skills, knowledge and insight play a part into also.

3.... Three seconds... without hope, you are most likely going to die

3.....Three seconds... shelter is this important in many cases

3....Three seconds... you must decide what do do

3.... Three minutes.. without air, you will most likely going to die

3... Three days without water... you are very close to dying

3...Three weeks without food... you are getting close for the buzzards

3... Three weeks ... people are looking for anything to eat, including other people.

3... Three months without companionship... people go crazy

3... Three weeks without electricity, people become uncivilized.

3...Three months without electricity, people have a massive die-off

All these laws can be turned around with KNOWLEDGE... SKILLS... INFORMATION...MINDSET... PREPARATION... TRAINING...

What Could Happen to Change Your Life

There are many events that could change people's lives, including death, medical emergencies, fires, getting burned, getting robbed, losing your job, divorce, monetary problems, medical problems, house burn down, house getting broken into, being put in jail, biological/chemical/nuclear attack, animal attack, drive by shootings, hostile environment, no electricity, earthquakes, volcanoes, tainted water, oil/chemical spill, wreck, comet, weather storms, pole shift, flood and ash.

What is prophesied to take place include these events:

What Do You See Happening NOW ?

War and rumors of war


No peace

Widespread death

Scarcity and shortages of food and commodities


Heavenly/cosmic disturbances


Corrupt Government

Corrupt Churches and Religious Groups

DNA and RNA Mutations

Problems with the sun and moon


Strange noises





Burning of the trees and grass

Vegetation threatened

Objects crashing into the sea

Sea creatures dying

Ships destroyed

Drinkable water shortages






Economic turmoil

Evil and corruption

Bacterial outbreaks

Social unrest



Death…. Death and still More Death

Virus outbreaks





Breakdown of society and governments

Sulfur, fire and molten lava


Ice and ice blocks

Animal and wild beast attacks

Breakdown of transportation services

Breakdown of shipping and trading routes


Hate and hatred


Sun and moon darkened


Powers of heaven shaken

Great fear and dismay

Sufferings and trials

Great distress


Roaring of the sea and waves

There will be dreams, visions and prophesy

Blood in the sky, oceans and fresh water



Mass killings

Demonic spirits


Pain and sores


Polar Shift

Changes in Weather












Problems buying and selling

Mark of the Beast




Government takeovers


Hardened hearts






Widespread theft



Jail confinement

Interment Camps

Dishonest Courts

Dishonest Judges, Unjust and unfair judicial system


Corrupt Government

Corrupt Churches and Religious Groups

DNA and RNA Mutations

Demonic Creatures and Powers

Spiritual Warfare

Mass Brainwashing and Madness

Paganism and Witchcraft

Curses, Confusion and Frustration

Boils, Ulcers and Scurvy

Continually Robbed and Oppressed

Prepper Camp Vendors


Note: Each Person will Most Likely Have Some Reason To Prepare

The more knowledge a person has, the better it is to cope with the problem, especially when the person knows the problem, how to deal with it, how to overcome the problem, take the reins to make an enjoyable exit from the problems.

If the person would plan and train for the future, each could help their fellow neighbors.

Remember the "STRENGTHS", "WEAKNESSES", "OPPORTUNITIES" AND "THREATS" to each event or problem. Each can help you to take what is needed and move to the next step to be able to survive.

Water, food, shelter, companionship

Drinkable water is considered one of the most important commodities that a person could have. While all water is not considered drinkable, some can be made drinkable by the adding chlorine and iodine. Some water can be boiled to make safe and some water takes a lot of treatment and filtration to make safe to drink. Without water, a person would die in about 3 days. While thinking about preparation of supplies, take in mind that a person needs about one gallon of water every day. Instead of storing the water, a safe source and location should be noted before any life threatening event takes place.

Without food, a person can survive about 3 or 4 weeks. At the end of 3 weeks, the body starts breaking down protein and other bodily tissues to prevent death. The body starts shutting down non essential parts of the body and tries to sacrifice organs to prolong death. Many people start cannibalism around the 3rd week and people having the mindset to survive will eat uncommon items and substances

The shelter can be more important than food, especially when it comes to cold water, blistering heat and extreme weather. Accidentally sliding off the road into a almost freezing river can put a person in hypothermia in a matter of minutes. If the battery has been broken loose from the car, the door locks may also stay locked. Quick thinking and action are needed to escape the vehicle to prevent drowning and keep the body temperature from being lowered to the point of unconsciousness. Awareness, knowledge and skills are important to stay alive.

Companionship is one of the four needed avenues to survive. Without companionship, a person dies within 4 or 5 months. God, Jesus, people, dogs, cats, pigs, TVs, radios or even a volley ball with a face drawn on it can be a companion, but a person needs companionship to stay sane and alive.

Key Speaker, Doctor William R. Forstchen

Usually there was a key speaker at night during the 3 day event. For 3 years, it was Doctor William R. Forstchen, the writer of "One Second After" and "The Day of Wrath". The "One Second After" book deals with an Electromagnetic Pulse bomb being burst over the United States and knocking out the power grid, electronics and transportation. Without electricity, it is predicted that 90% of the population will die and it would take seven years for a gradual recovery. There are no transformer manufacturers in the United States and it would take three months for another country to manufacture one. Water and waste water systems would stop, thereby discharging pollutants into the rivers and streams. The people down stream would try drinking the polluted water and getting sick. The lack of water to flush the toilets and sinks would spread germs and bacteria. Hospitals could not function without electricity and fresh water and the mortality rate would skyrocket.

The other book Doctor Forstchen wrote was the "Day of Wrath", which deals with a teacher in a public school. During the day, there was a breech of security that let in cold blooded killers, who was killing the teachers and students. This book is an awesome thriller, but written as fiction. All policemen/women, teachers, principals and administrators should find and read this book.

William Forstchen talking about EMP


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