Racism and the Left Wing in America
A must see!
The face of evil and an admirer of Hitler's
A dark but truthful look at racism's real roots in America.
In the 1900s a leader of an organization spoke at many KKK rallies and once called the Klan a great organization. She also referred to black people as "human weeds". In fact, this woman and many of her fellow American Progressives, were supporters of the Klan, eugenics, and the so called "Negro Project". While speaking of the "Negro Project", she said in a letter to a "progressive" colleague, "we do not want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population..." So how was she hoping to exterminate the Black American population? First, let me tell you who she was. Her name was Margaret Sanger and no, she was not a religious conservative or a politician. No, she was the president of Planned Parenthood and had a secret plan to promote as many abortions to Black mothers as possible! That is how she hoped to destroy the American Dream for future Black citizens. She was not about trying to preserve women's rights,and her hate speech exposed her as one who wanted to take away your right to be born, if you were black!
Aren't progressives (whom by the way included and reportedly inspired left wing socialists like Josef Mengele and Adolf Hitler) supposedly committed helping minorities advance? I know that what I am writing is quite controversial but please examine the facts surrounding the history of racism and abortion! We are told these days that the right wing of American is filled with racism, but that is not so. It was the right that abolished slavery, and pushed for civil rights. My generation has been lied to, and that is why race bating continues. Not to end racism, but to be able to use it to destroy politicians and political figures.
If you think that Margaret Sanger founded P.P. to fight for women's rights and to promote women's health, you were mislead like I once was! I now see that her likely motivation was to advance the evil "Negro Project" in the inner cities in America! What a disgusting revelation.
Why did I write about this awful part of history? Because I believe in liberty, freedom, and justice for ALL! Black, white, young, old, gay, straight,male, female...you get my point. We all are children of our Great Creator, and have inalienable rights.There are racists in all parties, communities and many organizations. I for one see this problem getting better in America. But since it still exists, we must be honest about it, and stop saying that it exist solely in and throughout one ideology! I am a conservative and have never had a racist bone in my body, nor do I have any conservative friends who do. I have however met a number of "pro-choicers" who STILL use the N word and act as though they are better than those of another race. That is a sad way to live. Who am I to say that anyone of a different race, gender, or creed is less than I, and who am I to say that I should choose who is allowed to be born and who is not? No I do not have the right to tell you what you may or may not do with your body, but yes I do have a right to demand that our laws stop you from harming or destroying someone else's, born or unborn!
So, when you hear about how David Dukes (who has renounced his past as a racist and a Klan member) is a racist Republican, ask yourself what party Margaret Sanger and Robert Byrd belonged to when they expressed love for, and loyalty to the KKK. Also ask yourself why Frederick Douglass and pro-life minister, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were Republicans! If we are to provide a free and inclusive future in American, we must let the truth be what sets us free, though it may disturb us a bit, at first.
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