Regulatory Body Slays Monsters Operating as Tutors
Students Deserve To Be Safe & Secure
Association of Professional Tutors Steps Up To The Mark
While a number of tuition agencies and individual tutors have found success with the provision of tuition services, a potent group urges nationally scaled reform of the tuition industry. Parents up and down the country have evaluated ways in which tutors, agencies and policymakers can bolster initiatives that screen out poorly prepared, under-qualified and down right dangerous tutors.
Wouldn’t it be great if private tuition had an excellent reputation for its commercial outlook, its relationships with parents and students and its track record of positively influencing and driving change? In this Utopian world tutors and students would be happy and in control, tutors and tuition agencies would be taking responsibility for day-to-day tutor-related issues and the government would be able to address the strategic and underlying regulatory issues.
Unfortunately in the main this does not happen and so headlines such as the following though not a daily occurrence aren’t as rare as they ought to be.
The Paedophile Who Touts Himself As a Private Tutor
'Radioactive' paedophile suspect on the run after skipping court
UK Students Ripped Off by Tuition Agencies
WEST WICKHAM: Private tutor jailed for 10 years for molesting children
Aside from the sensational, there are regular daily complaints about tutors who have failed to deliver (either too lazy to plan & prepare, not properly qualified, or just plain overwhelmed). Parents have every right to seek excellence after all many are paying in the region of £20 - £30 per hour of tuition. This hard-earned money should find its' way only into the hands of the competent. Of course there is so much more than money at stake: exam results feature high in the mind of the parent deciding upon private tuition. School entrance preparation is also high on the agenda but perhaps the most important determinant, is thoughts of the peace of mind that comes with being able to keep up with classmates and the sheer, indisputable joy that comes from conquering that difficult subject.
It must be said that by far the majority of personal tutors are competent, honest, law-abiding and decent - these tutors must be protected from the negativity that currently surrounds the industry.
The Association of Professional Tutors (APT) has taken the mighty step to take the lead in the professionalisation of the entire industry.
APT works to enhance the status and quality of private tutors to ensure that students receive the best possible education from checked and approved providers. APT promotes the importance and value of private tuition, enhances the preparation of tutors with respect to their knowledge of content, tutoring techniques, and the overall learning process.
The mission of APT is to ensure that the students and tutors alike are able to conduct their transactions in a safe, dependable and well-managed manner, while providing a flexible, yet sound regulatory environment that promotes fair competition, encourages innovative development, and supports the economy of private tuition. As a proponent of self governance, APT is unwavering about maintaining accepted best practices. In addition the Association proactively lobbies Government on key issues related to education.Moreover the Association aims to ensure that its members make an effective contribution to education.
Undoubtedly the Association is the most important professional organisation for tutors, agencies and those who work on a professional basis in the tuition industry. Given the response so far it appears that in a matter of time, the only working tutors will be those accredited through the APT, giving peace of mind to parents and students alike.
An unknown person once said:
"Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence." APT is certainly doing so!!!