Spanish Lesson Ninety-Two: Spring and Spring Activities

Hey Friends!
Welcome back to Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend and that you're ready to learn a little bit more about Spanish. Now that we've gotten grammar out of the way, I figure we could learn a bit more vocabulary with ending on a high note concerning the four seasons. Last week we discussed Winter and this week we're moving on to Spring. I hope you're ready to learn today!
I also want to thank everyone who has been reading along for all this time. It's been two years since I've started writing these lessons so I hope they've proven helpful. If you have questions or want to make any comments, address those in the comment section below. I appreciate you!

Today's Goals
- To Review previous grammar techniques
- To Learn how to discuss Spring and Spring Activities
- To Be Able to use new vocabulary in various ways
La Primavera Es...
Spring Activities
Hey Friends,
Today we'll be discussing Spring and Spring Activities. I think it'll be fun to work on some themed vocabulary before we have a MASSIVE review of everything and then say goodbye. I've decided to not write anymore language lessons until the new year after I've finished with Spanish. So there will be some time for you all to make your own ventures to learn other languages. I plan on learning all Romance Languags + German.
The list of the next lessons is below for your review. Make sure you give that a look! I hope you all enjoy this week's lesson!!

English Word
| Spanish Equiv
| La Primavera
| La Cespéd
| Los Pájaros
| Los Animales
| El Son
| La Luna
| El Cielo
| La Brisa
| La Miel
| La Mariposa
| El Arból
Today's Vocabulary
Today's vocabulary will feature a brief list of some vocabulary that involves Spring and Spring Activities. I have collected this vocabulary from multiple sources and these words are just the tip of the iceberg. There are lots of other words that you can discover on your own by doing a bit of research. Take some time to go over these words and we'll use some of them in the sample sentences.
Also, don't forget to sign up for a Spanish Word of The Day on SpanishDict. I highly recommend the daily emails. It goes great with my morning coffee! Thanks so much for reading today. Let's discuss today's vocabulary!
- Origin
- Physical Traits
- Personality Traits
- Possession
- Location
- Condition (Physical and Mental)
Discussing Spring and Spring Activities
Compare and Contrast
El sol es mas brillante que la luna. The sun is brighter than the moon.
Like Or Dislike
No él le gustan los pájaros. Él le gustan los elefantes. He doesn't like birds. He likes elephants. Remember that gustar requires an Indirect Object Pronoun... Me, The, Le, Nos, or Les.
Use In Context
¡Quiero subir los arbóles y mirar las mariposas! ¡Me encanta la primavera! I want to climb the trees and watch the butterflies! I love spring! Encantar must be used in the same manner of gustar.
Ask A Question
¿Cuando sale el sol? When does the sun rise? When discussing when the sun might rise, use "salir". Think of it ias "when the sun comes out" or "rises".
Well readers, that's it for this week! Check out next week when we discuss Summer and Summer Activities. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to review lessons from before. I recommend Lesson Eighty-Five.
- Spanish Spring Vocabulary Words flashcards | Quizlet
Vocabulary words for Spanish Spring Vocabulary Words. Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards. - Learn Basic Spanish Vocabulary from lists of common everyday words
Learn Spanish from this list of basic vocabulary words: men and women's clothing, a variety of plants and animals, rooms, builings and places. - Spanish Practice: Ser vs. Estar - YouTube
Thought I'd give you some extra practice with ser vs. estar. It's a concept that always challenges people. I go over the rules quickly, and give you a chance...
Upcoming Lessons
Lesson Ninety-Three: Summer (Activities) (7/7)
Lesson Ninety-Four: Fall (Activities) (7/14)
Lesson Ninety-Five: Compound Tense Review (7/21)
Lesson Ninetey-Six: Vocabulary Review #1 (7/28)
Lesson Ninety-Seven: Vocabulary Review #2 (8/4)
Lesson Ninety-Eight: Vocabulary Review #3 (8/11)
Lesson Ninety-Nine: The Benefits of Being Bilingual (8/18)
Lesson One Hundred: Farewell Spanish Learners! (8/25)
© 2014 AE Williams