Spanish Lesson Seventy-Seven: Making Comparisons

Hey Friends!
Welcome back to Monday. This last week seemed to just speed by. So now we're back at the beginning of the week. That means more Spanish lessons! Yay!... Yeah I'm in a great mood today so I hope you are today.
Last week we discussed... Reflexive Verbs. I had already mentioned them in a previous lesson, but I did a thorough explanation of how to use such verbs in different situations. So I hope it was enriching to your experiences. This week we're going to discuss Making Comparisons. It's pretty easy and won't take much to get right off the bad. Check of the vocab, the lesson, and of course the video that follows. I hope you enjoy the lesson! Now, let's check out today's objectives.

- To Learn how to make comparisons in the Spanish language
- To Recognize opportunities to make comparisons in the Spanish language
- To Learn about the "Menos Que" and "Mas Que"
Did You Have A Good Weekend?
Making Comparisons...
Hey Everyone!
Thanks again for joining me in this lesson. Today we're going to talk about making comparisons. I know many of my previous lessons have had a "Like or Dislike" portion when discussing grammar for new vocabulary. This week I'm going to get extensive about how to make educated comparisons of everyday people, places, things, and ideas. This is going to be pretty awesome knowledge. Also don't forget about "gustar" which means "to like". You can use it to describe what you like more than, as much as, or less than something else. It's pretty cool, really.
The vocabulary is all set up for you, so it won't be too hard to catch on. Also keep in mind for the normal grammar requirements such as gender and number. I'll make sure to mention it in today's lesson. Enjoy!

English Word
| Spanish Equiv
| El Médico
| Exclusivamente
| Rojo(a)
To Water/To Irrigate
| Regar*
| La Calle
| Completamente
| Perdido*
Today's Vocabulary
Hey Friends!
So today I'm going to give you another round of vocabulary in addition to the vocabulary that pertains to this topic. Usually I wouldn't give both sets, but there are many words within these two sections. As you can see there are seven words from the off the topic. I get words daily from The words with the asterisk next to it are words that I've never seen before. Take note.
English Phrase
| Spanish Equiv
More Than
| Más Que (De)*
Less Than
| Menos Que (De)*
Older Than
| Mayor Que
Younger Than
| Menor Que
Worse Than
| Peor Que
Better Than
| Mejor Que
| Tan Como*
As Much As...
| Tanto Como*
Making Comparisons in Spanish
Alright... here we are friends. Welcome to the lesson portion of today's lesson. I'm going to go over this vocabulary pretty quickly as it doesn't need much more explanation than most of the topics we've discussed. You're going to use all of this vocabulary at face value and within context. So there's no room for confusion on this portion. Let's start with the easy stuff shall we?
Me gustan las lapices más que las plumas. I like pencils more than pens. I used gustar to refer "to like". Note that every word matches number and gender. Más Que... means "more than" in this case, just like its definitely.
Me gustan las lapices menos que las plumas. I like pencils less than pens. Pretty self-explanatory right? Let's try some more examples. This time, we're going to put and adjective in the middle of "más que" or "menos que"
Susan es más fea que Louisa. Susan is more ugly (uglier) than Lousia. As offensive as this sentence is, it is a good example of comparing and contrasting two different people, places, things, or ideas. Let's use menos que.
Susan es menos fea que Louisa. Susan is less ugly than Lousa. Note that I use "fea" instead of "feo". Make sure your adjective matches the gender of your subject. Another example.
Tengo más de dos dólares. I have more than two dollars. If a number follows "más" or "menos", use "de" in lieu of "que". Let's look at "Tan Como" and "Tanto Como"
El libro tan inolvidable como la película. The book is as unforgettable as the movie. You're going to put and adjective in between "tan" and "como" in order to say something is as *blank* as something else. Get it?
Juan tiene tantos lapices como Diego. Juan has as many pencils as Diego. Not that "tanto" has an s at the end. Make sure you take gender and number into account. When "tanto" or "tanta" stand alone, think of say "as much as" instead of "as many as". "Tanto como" can also be used with verbs to compare things that people do in comparison to others. There is a link to article below.
So there you have it friends! It's pretty simple, in my opinion. Look at the notes below, watch the video. It might help you make sense of it all. Thanks so much for reading this week and I'll see you next Monday!
Oh! We're going to discuss Prefixes. It's super important!!
- Spanish Lesson: Comparisons - YouTube
Hola, In this video we'll take a look at some phrases that we can use to make comparisons. If you want the document that I use in the video it is available h... - Comparisons of Equality
Spanish grammar. Discussion: comparisons of equality (comparatives). - Comparisons of Inequality
Spanish grammar. Discussion: comparisons of inequality (comparatives).
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