Starting the Day!
Notes and Memoirs
February 2004
I was told by Helene, a very talented artist, that I am a wonderful poet and great mind. I will say yes to that.
I think that I need to be alone for a little while @the moment.
Maybe I will see Paul Fitzpatrick today. Note: He was really good looking and a beautiful friend and real cool. He was artist and musician. But he did die of diabetes. He was definitely a 10 and knew of Jesus.
And I always said I took "that ready mind."
Sadly I always thought he needed someone to take care of him.
I do love Jeffrey David Jubelirer but he is gone these days. I should be grateful because he is kind and compassionate.
Maybe more motivation to make things happen is required by me. I like getting things done when I am able.
Awakened naturally and now this is day. Desire of being able to work and thinking what will
happen this day. Experience of hope, realizing we will learn of our lives and gain in graces
For we seek the face of Jesus and put on His Great Mind inside of our minds. Grace, grace
For all of us, especially us Shea’s! We will love one another as much as we love ourselves. Love is our priority and requirement.
I write as an act of faith in God.
A great way to start the day is by attending the Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion. Let us be in prayer, I say and do good works. We are being doers Of The Word Of God and dreaming of the day. Likewise, my father also showed me another great way to start the day, first buy a newspaper to read and get ideas on how to build a life. Things will happen when you sow and put forth some effort.
Written in February 2004
Finished January 2010