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Ten Dumbest Laws Written For Illinois

Updated on April 19, 2012

Have you ever wondered where, who or why some of the dumbest laws were created? Each individual state has there own unique set of laws that for millions of who are aware of them really does not make any sense. In the state of Illinois if all of the laws were followed, many would be in trouble with the law. Who writes these laws and who passes them? I believe in the United States, there should be better things to do than write laws on the tax payers dollar that is absolutely comical or absurd.

With Illinois being the 21st state in the United States and the 5th most populated state in our Country, it could be time to get some of the laws off the books. But then again maybe they should stay so everyone can get a chuckle. Who passed these laws anyway?

Can you believe this is still popular?
Can you believe this is still popular? | Source

Sagging Pants ?

Did you know it is illegal to wear sagging pants in the state of Illinois? You got it, pants below the hips can get you thrown in jail. Imagine how over crowded our prisons would be if they arrested our youth under 18? Whoever created that fashion trend years ago, need to get there head examined. I do not wish to see a minor with his boxer shorts hang out of his pants. Do they really think the style looks appealing? Pull them up! Good old Larry Platts has told millions to pull them up in his song, "Pants On The Ground," is anybody listening?

Next time you see a pair of saggy pants running around the state of Illinois, tell them to pull them up or they could be arrested for saggy pants exposure!

Do not enter without permission!
Do not enter without permission! | Source

Permission To Enter The City ?

Permission to enter the city? Seriously? You are supposed to contact the local Police department before entering Chicago. Cancel those plane tickets, bust tickets or going through Chicago you have to contact the local jurisdictions and have permission granted. I wonder what would happen with tourism each year if people began to blow up the phones?

Arrested For Vagrancy ?

You better have at least a dollar in your pocket at all times in Illinois. If you are found with not a dollar in your pocket, you could be arrested for vagrancy. To all travelers going to the state of Illinois it is recommended that you carry a dollar bill. They will not accept Visa, Mastercard or American Express. Don't even attempt to debit, unless of course you are carrying a mini ATM in your purse or wallet.


What Language Are You Allowed To Speak?

We are in the United States but Illinois state law has ruled that English is not allowed to be spoken. Is that British English or American English? What language is supposed to be spoken? One is lead to believe that the state has created there own foreign Country and decided to start another language. With multi-lingual languages I wonder which one you can speak?


Protesting Laws

Did you know it is legal to protest in front of city hall without clothes if you are 17 or younger? Why would anyone pass this law? I detect perversion in this law and do not find any humor in it all. I wonder what the people were drinking when they voted such a law in? Maybe they felt all of those minors would go unnoticed. Not in 2012 they would be plastered all over the Internet. The people who had passed this law should have been jailed for even contemplating such a bill.


Using Public Works

In the city of Crystal lake its fine to plant sod in the summer months in your yard, but against the law to use city water to water it. Can anyone explain how a person is supposed to water the grass without water? Something scientific must be going on here. If there is another source of watering, please let us know.


No Cars Allowed

In the charming little city of Crete you are not allowed to drive a vehicle through town. With the population of the city being a little over nine-thousand, I hope that can be explained to at least 95% of the population who lives there. How are you supposed to get out-of-town if you cannot drive through it? Maybe a tractor or horse and buggy can pull it through and then you can jump in and go? What happens if a tractor or horse and buggy is not available? Looks like you are going to be pushing your vehicle for a few miles.

Silence On Sundays

If you are whistling a tune or humming out loud, avoid Cicero on Sunday. It's against the law to make any type of noise that comes through your vocal chords on 'the day of rest'. Keep your ipod or mp3 player in your pocket because being cited for enjoying a happy tune is against the law.

With a city known for bad boys and Al Capone. A law like that should be removed from the books for stupidity. Against the law to hum; but not against the law to shoot? Maybe there had to be silence when the mob rolled into town? I believe the birds may have stopped singing on that day too.


Drinking While Sitting

Have you ever tired drinking beer out of a bucket? I don't know if that would be to tasty; but in the Pullman district its against the law to drink beer on the curb from a bucket. Maybe when this dumb law was passed, there were many sitting on the curb, sharing stories and guzzling from a bucket. I hope they washed the bucket before dispensing fluid. I wonder if there was a sign posted that said, " No drinking beer from a bucket, if caught will dispose of bucket immediately!"


Where A Person Sit's When They Fish

Saving the best for last, this one ended up being one of the dumbest laws I have ever read. We commonly sit on a pier or chair when fishing. Some relax on boats or a blanket. But in the wonderful state of Illinois if you are caught fishing while sitting on a Giraffe's neck, you are entitled to 10 lashings. If you have a giraffe in your backyard do not take him/her with you it could get you in deep water.

Whoever passed the dumbest laws in Illinois should be ashamed of themselves. What were you thinking when you wrote any of these into the books?




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