The Brain. No more secrets?
No more secrets?
Neuroscience is rather new and a lot of the brains functions are now known. But one of the pioneers of the field has been on its cutting edge almost since the beginning. Doctor Michael A. Persinger is a cognitive neuroscientist who has been working for most of his career at Laurentian University in Ontario Canada.
He first became known for his work with tectonic stress. He discovered that he could correlate UFO sightings, alien abduction stories etc, with high tectonic stress. The stories and sightings usually occur in the calm before the storm so to speak, about a week before an earth quake or other event.
He predicted in peer review papers that such stress and the resulting EM or electro magnetism might well be responsible for ancient rashes of dreams reported concerning people meeting angels or demons.
He determined and catalogued that some UFO sightings are likely due to EM balls ejected from areas of high tectonic stress.
It must be said that Persinger is a serious scientist with over 200 peer reviews to his credit. He certainly is not a kook. But he Is and always has been on the fringe.
In the 1970s he started experiments with an EM pen as a means to map the functions of the brain. What he found was that the right temporal lobe contains an area which when stimulated with EM causes visions. Many of these visions were of god or of a religious nature.
This led to a more complex machine which was dubbed “The God Helmet.” With it, Persinger did tests on at least a thousand subjects and gave religious experiences to the vast majority of them. The one notable exception being Richard Dawkins.
Dawkins claims to have no experiences out of the ordinary at all. Be that as it may, having seen the experiment with Dawkins I can see why it didn’t work on him. Persinger explained that in a test for right lobe susceptibility he gave to all his subjects, Dawkins scored very low.
Dawkins, of course, is a skeptic and a scientist. Unlike the other subjects Persinger tested, he was constantly reporting in to a microphone what he was sensing and feeling. One cannot help but feel he didn’t want to allow himself to have an experience, even though he says he has always wanted to have one.
It’s very much like hypnotism. If you do not want to be hypnotized it is likely that it won’t work. No one is immune to hypnotism. Day dreams are often self hypnotic states that we put ourselves in to all the time. Most people do or have self hypnotized themselves over the course of their life time.
Being an atheist myself, but having had many strange and seemingly unexplainable experiences, I know that to have them one has to allow them to happen. (I have documented many of them.) They are after all, mind and not something supernatural. The question is, are they all just in our heads?
Many people have experimented with EM on the human brain in recent years, and one of the main things that is reported is the feeling of a presence. Not necessarily a god but a presence. Now if nothing else this feeling is a reaction to a field of EM at a certain frequency. So it’s not all just in our head in that regard. It is a real interaction between human brain and an electrical field. However, it could explain some supernatural phenomenon very nicely. Other haunting can be explains in a slightly different but related way.
In the 1970s there was a hypothesis put forward that high emotional levels could be recorded into rock or into a space on the molecular level. Just as it is possible to record sound and video on a plastic tape with iron filings, it is possible to record such things on rock surfaces or on walls. But the problem is playing it back.
That’s where the human mind comes in. The hypothesis was and is that if a human mind recorded it, a susceptible mind could play it back. These recordings are referred to as energy imprints. Though it has not been proven beyond a doubt, it is not all that farfetched an idea as we might first think.
Persinger, in one his recent lectures available on the interent, (No more secrets) tells us that yes indeed we are all connected. Now this has been an idea that Eastern and some Western philosophy and religion has had for thousands of years. But until QM and the strange behavior of the micro world it hadn’t been proven to be true.
However, Persinger is talking about the earth’s magnetic field. His latest walk in to the fringe has brought him to the idea that all of us are mentally connected, or have access to each other’s brains through that magnetic field, which as he points out, could store every thought mankind has ever had and still have plenty of room for more.
He shows this very convincingly in fact. Persinger tells us that the magnetic energy of the brain is 7 hertz which corresponds to the earth’s magnetic field in the ionosphere. Of course, in the ionisphere it is really 7.8 hertz at its lowest point. And coincidently, it is at this lowest point where the best result comes from, just as it was in the lull before an event that he found optimum conditions for mass hallucination due to tectonic stress.
However, through scientific experiment he has determined that such things as remote viewing, ESP, knowing the death of loved one before the news arrives, and all kinds of other phenomenon might be due to this connection. Is he right? Only time and more experiments will tell.
That’s the point here though. Exploring reported supernatural phenomenon is not looked upon as science by some. This is not a bad view as most paranormal researchers are of dubious motive and many are not scientists at all. But when a scientist like Persinger is doing the work in a legitimately scientific way it is hard to ignore.
Persinger even devised and is testing a machine which can allow anyone to remote view. He is claiming that really, we all have access to each other’s minds almost directly. The thing that stops us from having more ESP events is the fact that there is too much noise.
Should we believe him? I never recommend belief. His results are interesting and convincing. But the study is still very young. There are a lot of questions that need answering and more independent research needs to be done by other reputable scientists.
If there is anything more to strange phenomenon than mental illusion, then it is not supernatural, it is natural. And we will find the answers in the natural world and in natural laws. It is a shame that real scientific research in to the paranormal is not really being done because it has such a stigma attached to it.
After all, we are all interconnected just by the mere fact that we are all made of subatomic and atomic particles. At the quantum level atoms and perhaps information is being passed in and out of the body all the time as if the individual does not exist. There is no real boundary between the human brain and the so called outside world on that level.
There is a high probability that information is passed on in ways we haven’t thought of yet. And of course there is quantum entanglement to be considered, which points to another way we are all intimately connected. Persinger may indeed be on to something.
The evidence for connection from many different scientific perspectives is overwhelming. I don’t think that can be convincingly disputed at this point. And Persinger is right: we are all immersed in the EM field. We evolved in it.
But does it all mean what he says it means? We don’t know yet for sure. Do we even want a world with no more secrets if he can provide us with one? There would be benefits, to be sure. But I can see some real drawbacks as well.
Could we really survive its implementation and come out on top, without it being used for more evil than good? The subject is rife for speculation.