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The F*ck it Mentality and Why it's Beneficial to Growth

Updated on February 22, 2020

What Exactly is the F*ck it Mentality

For those unaware of what the f*ck mentality means, it's a mentality to take on new challenges. The mentality comes from a need to complete a task at the risk of a negative outcome. However, regardless of the outcome the task must be completed. In similar fashion to throwing caution to the wind, the mind throws the negative outcome to the wind. What negative impact this has on the current situation is not important. The focus is to just to do whatever it is that needs done in the moment. Just like how there is not a focus on the negative, there is not necessarily a focus on the positive either. If it happens to work out, great! If not, oh well. Remember the mentality is just to attempt completion of a task, rather than to stand idle and do nothing.

A Closer Look at Outcomes

In life the goal is mostly to succeed. To learn and grow, sometimes there are negative outcomes and sometimes there are positive outcomes at the end of the process. People tend to reflect on how the outcomes will be beneficial to their lives before taking any action. This is a good approach to deciding what direction to pursue. The issue with viewing how beneficial outcomes are, is the weight at which people assign value to positives and negatives. Is the outcome large or is small? Will it take a significant amount of time? Will a lot of effort be needed to reach this outcome? These are the first questions that are asked when reflecting on a decision to act. The second set of questions focus on how the individual feels personally about being able to complete the task. Will I be able to do it? What will others think? Am I skilled enough to complete the task? Usually from the start individuals tend to stack barriers in from of the positive outcome with negative outcomes.This leads to stagnation and a failure to commit to any action at all.

The F*ck It Mentality's Response to Outcomes

How many times have the words "f*ck it" been said? Why were they said? What was the result of saying "f*ck it" towards a task that needed done? By addressing the negatives outcomes or barriers of stagnation, the phrase "f*ck it" finds its place in the larger picture. In the previous paragraph it was identified that reflecting on negative outcomes leads to inaction. Individuals tend to let the negatives move them away from goals instead of towards them. Saying "f*ck it" disregards that negative mindset and thought process. F*ck it means to disregard the outcome and commit to action. People say "f*ck it" all the time. People say this to help move them away from negative thoughts and inaction to just committing an action. This usually results in one undeniable positive, which is a task that was followed through to completion. The single goal of this mentality is just to follow through. Regardless of how the goal ends, regardless of a positive or negative outcome. Being able complete the task means the purpose of the f*ck it mentality has been completed.

How is this Beneficial

The benefits of this mentality are immense for the individual that utilizes it. The prior goal may be to only commit to initiating an act and completing a task, but there is more to it then that. Like stated stated previously the outcome of the f*ck it mentality is not positive or negative. However, there is an indirect effect that takes place in the individual that uses it. This effect is internal improvement of the mind. In other words, a confidence booster. Being able to complete an action that was set, is a big boost. That confidence boost will compound until the individual has a strong foundation of confidence. At that point people will be able to reflect on positive and negative outcomes, leaning towards the positives and not setting negative barriers that lead to inaction. In addition, a second benefit is task and goal completion. Just completing tasks and boosts is a great morale booster. This allows for new goals to best set and new tasks to be completed. Overall, allowing the users of the mentality to grow and develop in which ever direction they decide to pursue.

Any Downsides

There is only one con that comes to mind in reference to the f*ck it mentality. That is dependence on the mentality. Letting it become a crutch and not allowing for growth to occur. This mentality should always be used as a temporary measure. Until one has successfully built up enough confidence and courage to complete tasks, while taking negative and positive outcomes into consideration.

So F*ck it

All in all, this article was meant to look at out how a single phrase can impact a person. How a mentality can improve a mindset and avoid stagnation. The mentality is unorthodox and approaches solutions to problems from a different angle. This mindset to use f*ck it as a means to achieve goals is used frequently and more people will continue to use it. Hopefully, through reading this article others may come to utilize this mentality to raise and improve their confidence and eventually achieve their goals. So until then, f*ck it.

© 2020 Robert Beach


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