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The History of Slavery

Updated on September 11, 2022
Author Cheryl profile image

Author Cheryl is an 9 time published author. She has dedicated her life to healthcare and raising awareness of abuse and mental health.

False Legacy of Slavery

The Writings of Egyptian Slavery

Slavery was not just in the United States

Accounts of slavery date back as far as the 7th century before Christ. Every race of people were indeed captured and sold in to slavery. The only accounts that are taught to children is the slaves who were African or Jewish.. That is farther from the truth and schools need to teach the history of slavery as it actually was.

In Greece slavery dates back to 7bc The slaves of Athens, by contrast, have no conventional rights. But their condition varies greatly according to the work they do.

The most unfortunate Athenian slaves are the miners, who are driven often to the point of death by their owners (the mines are state owned but are leased to private managers). By contrast other categories of slaves, particularly those owned directly by the state, such as the 300 Scythian archers who provide the police force of Athens can acquire a certain prestige.

In Egypt slavery dates back to the 17th century. Even if we take the earliest possible date for Jewish slavery that the Bible suggests, the Jews were enslaved in Egypt a good three hundred years after the 1750 B.C. completion date of the pyramids.Slaves were brutally beaten if they did not do as they were told. They were made to carry heavy bricks to make the pyrimids. They also pulled heavy statues by a rope and a cart. Peasants comprised as much as eighty percent of the Egyptian population (David 1998, pg 91). The majority of peasants worked in the fields producing crops, while some worked as servants in the homes of wealthy nobles. Slaves were most commonly prisoners of war.

Slavery of any time knows no face or social make up. If you were poor you were going to be a slave. If you died while working your body was just kicked to the side so the others wouldn't walk over you.

The Battle of Vienna 1683 - Islam vs Christianity Those Captured Became Prisoners of War Then Slaves

Slaves of Isreal

England Enslaves the Irish

In 1641, Ireland’s population was 1,466,000 and in 1652, 616,000. According to Sir William Petty, 850,000 were wasted by the sword, plague, famine, hardship and banishment during the Confederation War 1641-1652. At the end of the war, vast numbers of Irish men, women and children were forcibly transported to the American colonies by the English government These people were rounded up like cattle, and, as Prendergast reports on Thurloe’s State Papers. (Pub. London, 1742), “In clearing the ground for the adventurers and soldiers, the English capitalists of that day, To be transported to Barbados and the English plantations in America. It was a measure beneficial to Ireland, which was thus relieved of a population that might trouble the planters; it was a benefit to the people removed, which might thus be made English and Christians. This became a great benefit to the West India sugar planters, who desired men and boys for their bondsmen, and the women and Irish girls to solace them. Which basically means have sex with them.

Estimates vary between 80,000 and 130,000 regarding the amount of Irish sent into slavery in America and the West Indies during the years of 1651 – 1660.

It is impossible to ascertain the exact number of those unfortunate victims of English injustice during this period, but we do know the amount was massive. Even though the figures given above are but estimates, they are estimates from eminent historians.

All writers on the 17th century American colonies are in agreement that the treatment of white servants or white slaves in English colonies was cruel to the extreme, worse than that of black slaves; that inhuman treatment was the norm, that torture and branding FT, fugitive traitor, on the forehead was the punishment for attempted escape.

They were strung up by their hands and has fire lit between their fingers and were beaten in the head until blood ran with the slightes of provocation.

The flow of the Irish to the American colonies throughout the remainder of the 17th century was large and continuous, but not nearly as massive as between 1651 and 1660. Some of the many statements by historians give evidence of this Irish tide.

The Forgotten White Slaves

African Slave Trade

Slavery in what became the United States probably began with the arrival of "20 and odd" enslaved Africans to the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. It officially ended with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865.

African Kings recieved a huge bounty for each slave they sold. It really is appauling that their own kings sold them.

Over the period of the Atlantic Slave Trade, from approximately 1526 to 1867, some 12.5 million slaves had been shipped from Africa, and 10.7 million had arrived in the Americas. The Atlantic Slave Trade was likely the most costly in human life of all of long-distance global migrations.

The first Africans forced to work in the New World left from Europe at the beginning of the sixteenth century, not from Africa. The first slave voyage direct from Africa to the Americas probably sailed in 1526.

The volume of slaves carried off from Africa reached thirty thousand per year in the 1690s and eighty-five thousand per year a century later. More than eight out of ten Africans forced into the slave trade made their journeys in the century and a half after 1700.

By 1820, nearly four Africans for every one European had crossed the Atlantic. About four out of every five females that traversed the Atlantic were from Africa.

Slavery for African Americans continued until 1865 when the 13th amendment irradicated anyone to own slaves. They were free to go as they please. They had a hard road ahead fighting to gain rights to be employed and to vote and they were still treated cruelly by white people.

There are many historical blacks that did great things for their race in order for them to acheive and gain respect from others.

Open Bidding on Slaves

Indian Slavery in the Americas

Indian slavery was as dispicable as all slavery was. Indians are described in terms of their succumbing in large numbers to disease, with the survivors facing dispossession of their land. This paradigm, are basic ones in the history of colononial a crucial aspect of the story: the indigenous peoples of the Americas were enslaved in large numbers. This exclusion distorts not only what happened to American Indians under colonialism, but also points to the need for a reassessment of the foundation and nature of European overseas expansion.

Indians were considered good help in the fields and owners of them had to pay nothing to produce their crops. Large fields of tobacco and cotton were amoung the largest of trade to other parts of the world. The sooner they could plant and harvest, the more money they made.

Indians were treated just as badly and at times still are treated badly in 2017

Without slavery, slave trading, and other forms of unfree labor, European colonization would have remained extremely limited in the New World. The Spanish were almost totally dependent on Indian labor in most of their colonies, and even where unfree labor did not predominate, as in the New England colonies, colonial production was geared toward supporting the slave plantation complex of the West Indies. Thus, we must take a closer look at the scope of unfree labor the central means by which Europeans generated the wealth that fostered the growth of colonies.

Halocaust Camps

The Holocaust

The Holocaust was the systematic annihilation of six million Jews by the Nazi regime during World War 2. In 1933 approximately nine million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Germany during the war. By 1945 two out of every three European Jews had been killed. The European Jews were the primary victims of the Holocaust.

But Jews were not the only group singled out for persecution by Hitler’s Nazi regime. As many as one-half million Gypsies, at least 250,000 mentally or physically disabled persons, and more than three million Soviet prisoners-of-war also fell victim to Nazi genocide. Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Social Democrats, Communists, partisans, trade unionists, Polish intelligentsia and other undesirables were also victims of the hate and aggression carried out by the Nazis.

While it is impossible to ascertain the exact number of Jewish victims, statistics indicate that the total was over 5,830,000. Six million is the round figure accepted by most authorities.

They were made to stand naked in front of a large grave dug for them and then were shot until they fell on bodies that were already dead. This happened until the hole was filled, then dirt was thrown over them.

Holocaust happened because Hitler and the Nazis were racist. They believed the German people were a 'master race', who were superior to others. They even created a league table of 'races' with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and black people at the bottom. These 'inferior' people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation. When the Nazis came to power they persecuted these people, took away their human rights and eventually decided that they should be exterminated.

Dachau was the first concentration camp established and was opened on March 22, 1933. The camp's first inmates were primarily political prisoners (Communists or Social Democrats), habitual criminals, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and anti-socials (beggars, vagrants, hawkers). Others considered problematic by the Nazis were also included (Jewish writers and journalists, lawyers, unpopular industrialists).

This is why

Slavery in America in the Cotton Fields

Slavery Today

Globally, the average cost of a slave is $90.Trafficking primarily involves exploitation which comes in many forms, including: forcing victims into prostitution, subjecting victims to slavery or involuntary servitude and compelling victims to commit sex acts for the purpose of creating pornography.Slavery continues right here in 2017.

It is hard to catch them because they are very educated traffickers and they know the ins and outs of this horrible problem. Human trafficking is just as bad as the opioid addiction.

  1. Globally, the average cost of a slave is $90.
  2. Trafficking primarily involves exploitation which comes in many forms, including: forcing victims into prostitution, subjecting victims to slavery or involuntary servitude and compelling victims to commit sex acts for the purpose of creating pornography.
  3. According to some estimates, approximately 80% of trafficking involves sexual exploitation, and 19% involves labor exploitation.
  4. There are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today.
  5. According to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year, of which 80% are female and half are children. (

In Conclusion

There are many other continents that enslaved vast majorities of people. We have taken sacred ground of not only Indians but all cultures. American History taught in school should also include everyone that has been enslaved.

We must learn to know the signs and put an end to this error of enslaved humans. If you know anyone who you think is in human trafficking or you suspect they are, call your local law enforcement.


NatGeo 2010 (}

Wikipedia (}

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History (


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