The Importance of Brainstorming
Coming up with a brilliant idea is an important aspect of the pursuit of innovation and creativity. Ideas are the initial “building blocks” towards the progress of one’s nation. It is essential in every aspect of life, be it through education, politics, technology, and business to name a few.
Because of brilliant ideas that came to fruition, the world has become a better place. Remarkable things invented by creative individuals such as the telephone, television, cars, tablet computers, and the internet. These are also the main foundations of businesses and entrepreneurial ventures such as e-commerce and blogging.
But how can you actually come up with a brilliant idea? Enter the art of brainstorming.
Basically, this process is usually applied by a group of members in a team. It could be in a company or an association where members opt to give suggestions and new insights toward developing a specific endeavor or project. Those suggestions will be listed on a data sheet for further assessment and study.
A lot of times, those suggestions could initially be illogical, crazy, irrational, or ‘out of this world. When you are in a process of brainstorming, don’t be afraid to play around or look silly. It’s actually natural, that’s the main essence of getting ‘outside the box. The initial stage of brainstorming is only limited to your imagination. The call for innovation and creativity means ‘going against the flow, to not conform to the ordinary, conventional, and mediocrity.
Those raw ideas that have been produced initially have no guarantee of their effectiveness and efficiency. However, by producing 1000 ideas, you can rule out what will work best by the process of elimination, that is where the stage of analysis and logic takes place. And eventually, you will come up with one or more brilliant ideas. Basically, that's how the process of brainstorming works.
But generating brilliant ideas through brainstorming is just the initial step towards the creative process. The brilliant idea you have produced will come to waste if you didn't find a way to materialize it and make it come ‘alive’.
Just as idea generation through brainstorming is essential, so is the implementation of that idea. It is the ultimate goal for the creative process to come to fruition.