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The Natural Order of Things

Updated on March 26, 2011

“Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse it and it will curse you…if you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you, and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out, if you sincerely bless it.” —EMMET FOX “Power Through Constructive Thinking”

Nothing stops nature from evolving. Flowers bloom in April. Trees shed their leaves in late October. No matter what other conditions are present, the process takes place season after season.

It snowed Easter Sunday in 1997 in Philadelphia, but the tulips kept right on blooming. The trees with leaves that resemble carnation flowers radiated with beauty even though snow nestled on their trunks. Everything has a natural order and that includes the evolution of the human soul.

Change is necessary. We cannot remain the same. When bears hibernate for the winter and trees shed their leaves, and the earth’s atmosphere changes, the human soul must also experience change to unleash it true self.

If we could restrain from resisting change, instead surrender to it, we could live a much more joyful life. If we could just be still when adversities strike, change would evolve naturally and effortlessly. I don’t mean sitting still but remaining steadfast in our conviction and faith.

We don’t seem to have a problem accepting change that feels good. But when change feels more like a punishment than a blessing, we try to fix it so that it comes out our way. Change then becomes a problem, a burden and eventually it consumes us. Frustration and anger mount. Faith loses it valor. Fear then takes center stage and change turns into a long drawn out process and not an opportunity for the soul to learn and grow.

Nature does not resist change. It goes along with the flow of God’s design. But, trees and flowers don’t have free will. They were not given a choice.

Unlike nature, we can choose to accept or reject the natural order of things. If we choose to resist change, we halt the influx of blessings as a result of changing. If we choose to accept change, whether we believe it to be good or not, serenity will likely accompany it.

Accepting change is giving in to what is meant to be right now in our lives: our financial situation, our jobs, our relationships. Once we can let go and relax in knowing that God is in charge, we tap into the positive energy of the universe and the soul evolves naturally to its next phase.

Change should never be construed a bad thing for it is through changing that we come to know our true selves. It is when we let go of the struggle that Spirit establishes joy, peace, plenty, and love in our lives according to His perfect plan for us.

When faced with change of any kind, bless it and it will bless you. By blessing the situation even if it means that we have to give up a certain lifestyle, attitude, or person, it has no power to hurt us. However, if we protest and fight against changing, it will only create anxiety and stress. The things that cause us great distress are the things we can’t let go of. And, if we can’t let go, we can’t grow.

The natural order of things for all creation is to change, which is a never-ending process.


© 1997 Shar'Ron Mahaffey
Reprinted by Permission
"Reflections of You® Journal" (ISSN 1087-4062)
August 1997, Volume 2 Issue 2


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