Animals Which Are Vegetarians and Strong
This Hub is not about famous vegetarian persons or vegetarian wrestlers... but about the wild as well as domestic animals who are vegetarians. If you think that meat eating makes an animal strong, remember that these strong animals are purely vegetarians.
Elephant is a giant animal mostly found in the forests of Africa and Asia. In India, many elephants are tamed and have become domestic. For most of the Indians, it is an holy animal.
Elephants are vegetarians. They eat about 150 Kg of vegetation per day. It includes grass, fruits, small plants, tree bark etc.
African male elephant can reach up to 4 Meters of height, and weigh about 7 Metric Tons, while Asian male elephant can reach to 3.5 Meters and weigh up to 5 Metric tons. In spite of its heavy weight, elephant can run at a speed of 40 Kms, per hour.
Elephant is an intelligent animal. Its brain is largely similar to the brain of human being in terms of structure.
There are several species of Rhinoceros. Two of them are found in Africa and South Asia. This animal reach up to 1 ton of the weight. It eats 60 to 80 Kgs of food per day, which includes plants, leaves and tree bark. Like elephants, Rhinoceros also is a pure vegetarian animal.
Rhinoceros can run with a speed of 60 Kms per hour.
Although many people think that Rhinoceros is a 'stupid' animal, in fact it is an intelligent one.
There are many species of buffaloes. There are wild buffaloes as well as domestic buffaloes. All of them are vegetarians, and live on grass, small plants and leaves.
A buffalo weighs up to 1 Metric Ton. It can run with a speed of up to 40 Kms. per hour.
Domestic buffaloes are milked, mostly in south Asia.
Giraffe is an African animal. It is the tallest animal in the world, and can reach to 6 Meters of its height, and weighs about 1.5 Tonnes. It can run with a speed of up to 60 Kms. per hour.
Girrafe lives on tree bark and leaves.
Ox is found in India, Australia and some other countries. As this animal is strong built and powerful, it is used to carry Bullock carts, and for plowing in farms. It is also used to run some machinery.
An ox weighs about a ton, and can run at a speed of 60 Kms. per hour. It can carry a ton or more of material in a cart.
Oxen eat grass and food grains.
It is believed that oxen were domesticated 4000 years ago by man. This animal understands body language and verbal commands.
Horse is another strong, powerful, clever and swift vegetarian animal. Like oxen, horses also were domesticated by man 4000 years ago.
A horse can run at a speed of up to 40 to 70 Kms. per hour, depending on the type of the horse. When compared to other animals in this article, horse is a light weight one. A horse weighs between 480 to 550 Kgs.
Naturally, horses eat grass. Domestic horses eat various types of vegetarian food, including grass, pulses and food grains.
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