Video – Car Defied Law of Gravity and Rolled Uphill in Neutral Gear
Law of Gravity
Gravity Hills or Magnetic Hills are natural hills where objects are seen to roll uphill apparently defying the law of gravity. Typically, this is usually a slight slope of a short stretch of road only a few meters wide, and surrounded by a natural hill. If you put a car on the road, it will defy the law of gravity and roll uphill in neutral gear, rivers will flow against gravity, and the same can be said of any other object that can roll – they all roll up the hill. There are several gravity hills around the world which are very popular with tourists.
Magnetic and Gravitational Anomalies
The explanation usually given is that this is due to magnetic and gravitational anomalies. The most popular explanation is that these hills have the force of gravity not directed toward the earth’s centre, but rather tilted, meaning that Isaac Newton did not finish his job satisfactorily. The truth is that these are remarkably common illusions which are found in several places - they creates an optical illusion or visual illusion making a slight downhill look like an uphill slope. If you look at the photo below which shows a gravity hill/magnetic hill, you will notice that the nearer stretch of road is perceived as running downhill.
Gravity Hill or Magnetic Hill
Visual Illusions Overrides Sense of Balance
Man’s sense of balance will never allow him to notice a gravitational anomaly as their would be an equal effect on his sense of balance as there is on object that rolls uphill. But then why should man see objects rolling against gravity? It is because of visual illusions that override this sense of balance. Watch video below – Car Defied Law of Gravity and Rolled Uphill in Neutral Gear
Visible Horizon
The perceived slope will depends on the height of the visible horizon. If the horizon cannot be seen or is false and not level, and then it is followed by a steep downhill slope, a slightly-downhill stretch will be perceived as an uphill. If in such a gravity hill you can be able to see a sea or an ocean horizon, you would be surprised that the effect is just due to an illusion. Unfortunately, such setups are located where you can not be able to see a well defined horizon. If a well defined horizon was there, then you would not have a visual illusion.
Visual and Psychological Effects
Our brains can be lazy and more often than not the visual and psychological effects that we want to see is what we see. Below is a photo that shows flat tiles on a floor. If you want to see them as flat tiles you will see them as such. If you want to see them as rising stairs, it’s all up to you.
Flat Tiles on a Floor
Reflecting Mirror
If you look at a stretch of a road through a reflecting mirror, you won’t know whether it’s uphill or downhill unless you get to know the angle the mirror is held. There are many questions you can ask yourself by looking at the mirror but you don’t because it’s all about perception.
Listing of Gravity Hills
Below is a listing of Gravity Hills or Magnetic Hills from around the world.
- Mystery Spot, Michigan, USA.
- Gravity Hill, Wisconsin, USA
- Magnetic Hill, Manitoba, Canada.
- Electric Brae, Ayeshire, Scotland.
- Anti-Gravity Hill, Victoria, Australia
- Hill South of Rome, Frascati, Italy.
- MountPenteli, Athens, Greece
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Say the Colors and Refrain from Reading the Word
Watch video below – Car Defied Law of Gravity and Rolled Uphill in Neutral Gear
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