Warning: Thieves Can Steal Your Electricity Legally and Put You in Jail
Read my personal experience with an unwanted guest stealing my electric from my boat dock. Find out what I had to do to make my unwanted guest leave my property. Learn how easy someone can hook up to your electric than put you in jail for shutting their power off which you are paying for.
"How People Can Steal Your Electricity Legally - How To Stop Them."
How I Found Out My Electricity was Being Stolen
My story started when I looked out my back door and seen a big boathouse next to my boat-dock. I just came home from vacation. I didn't think much about this boathouse at first because boats go by all the time.
Naturally I was tired from traveling and just wanted to unpack my clothes and relax. The next day after I got rested up from traveling. I decided to wash some clothes. I walked through my backyard with my laundry to my shed. I started the wash a machine.
I looked toward my boat-dock and seen that boathouse again with a man fishing off the top of his boathouse.
Still I didn't notice a power cord hooked up to my dock. I walked out to my back porch and sat down and watched this man fish. I walked out to my boat-dock and asked the man if he is catching any fish?
That is when I noticed he had a power cord going to my electric panel on my dock. I didn't say anything about it and neither did he.
I sat back down on my porch and had a few drinks. I started thinking. Why didn't he tell me he was hooked up to my electric?
The more I drank the more upset I was getting. So when my husband came home. I told him about the man in the houseboat and told him he was plugged into out the electric panel on the dock.
My husband went out to the boat dock and talk to the man. He asked the man why he was plugged into our electric?
He said because I can! The man didn't even offer an excuse. My husband was fuming at this point.
My husband went out to the boat-dock and told the man to leave then unplugged the mans cord and threw the cord over to his boathouse.
A few hours later the cops showed up at our house. The cop said we could not just cut his power off in any way. The cops plugged the thief electric cord back into my boat-dock electric panel.
The cop then told us that we had to evict the guy. Before the cop left. He said whatever you do not turn this mans power off or I will be forced to put you in jail.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing! So I tried to legally evict this man. Well I couldn't get him evicted because he was living in what they call public property because his boat was in the canal.
So I called the environmental agency. I explained to them what was going on. They didn't know what I could do either. I asked them if they could make him leave because of him flushing raw sewage into the canal.
They said they would look into it and call me back. These people in the environmental office never heard of a situation like this and was working hard to help me get rid of this guy legally.
They couldn't do nothing or even suggest anything for us to try to get this guy out. So I called a property attorney they had no answers to how I could get rid of my unwanted guests.
I Couldn't Evict Him the Legal Way So I Got Rid Of Him My Way
Several weeks went by and this guy was living off my electric for free and I had enough of trying to evict him legally.
So I told my husband how I plan to get rid of this thief. We waited until the man went to sleep. I snuck out to my boat-dock in the middle of the night.
I unplugged his cord then I pulled up his anchor and cut the rope. I pulled his power cord as close to my dock as possible and cut as much of his power cord off as I could, leaving me with the end of the power cord.
I shoved his boat off and he started drifting with the current. I told my husband to put a lock on our power panel.
My husband thought I was crazy but end the end we got rid of the thief stealing our electric.
Advice for You the Home Owner Who Pays for Electric
Never allow anyone to hook up to your electric. Whether they have a houseboat or motor home, camper or whatever.
It's easier to get rid of an unwelcome house guess than it is to get rid of someone who is hooked up on your outside power panel.
More Ways Thieves Can Steal Your Electric
What Thieves Can Do With Your Identity
Identity thieves can also still your electric or power leaving you with the bill and bad credit.
How to Tell If Your Neighbors Are Stealing Your Electricity
The safest way to tell if your electric is being stolen is to shut all the power off.
Turn off all the power in your house using the main disconnect beside your breaker box or fuse box. Then go outside and examine your electric meter. If all your power is turned off, the meter should stop moving. If it has not stopped, someone may have intercepted your electricity.