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What You Can Do With an Art History Degree

Updated on April 10, 2024
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Veronica Adams is a creative professional. She obtained Bachelors of Art in Art History with a minor in Dramatic Arts.

What Is Art History?

Art History is the study of the history  of the visual arts.
Art History is the study of the history of the visual arts. | Source

Art History Options

Preparing as in for a career in art history in your undergraduate years should be part of your agenda. College students should applying for internships, part time job, seasonal job and/or volunteer in aboard, in an art gallery or a museum. The experience that you gained from these positions would be a good idea to add to your resume. Learning a foreign language or two can be very beneficial to career advancement. French and German are usually required languages when it comes to pursing this degree. Why the French and German languages you may ask? Well, the Germans were the first ones who recorded art historical events and the the French followed suit. In fact, you might find some vocabulary in those two languages and more. Studying, interning and/or volunteering aboard is also a good suggestions during your undergraduate and graduate years. You would get firsthand experience of another culture and you would help your resume.The particular degree has many job options to choose from. Candidates with advanced degrees can apply for positions as an art historian, attorney, curator, professor, etc. If you want to teach Art History in a secondary level, a bachelor's degree is a requirement. A position as a tour guide would be another good option because you could point out good points of interest that you make have seen in your art history textbooks. Non-profit organizations that support the arts are looking for candidates who can use their time to serve their community educating the public. Not only you would learn about art historical methodologies and movements but you also have job skills as well. Law school is another option after your complete your bachelor's degree. Artists and non profits have problems that need to be the court. Remember, it is good to have to have certain job skills to make yourself more marketable in a career in art history. Being able you work independently and/ or as a team player, communicating both orally and in writing, manage your time wisely, problem solving, research skills, etc.. Their are position where work alone and/or if you have to collaborate with someone. Being able to communicate orally would be in important skill to have you are applying for a position that requires you speak from small to large groups of people. When come to having communicating with your writing skills, make sure you check over your work prior to turning it in.Time management is essential when you have an art history position that deals with your having a deadline. Complications can arise so problem solving is a must have. Finally, research skills is essential in most art history positions. You would have to find information for books, lectures, presentations, etc.

No matter what society thinks, your degree in Art History matters. Somebody needs to educate the world in the history of art. The visual arts in general have effected by historical events, political climate, economic climate,etc. The list below gives wonderful options in an Art History degree has to offer. The possibilities are endless.

Art History Jobs and Careers

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A curator is someone who manages an archives, gallery library and, museum. It means the position allows to choose which pieces and collection would be displayed.A tour guide gives tours to visitors while informing tourist groups about certain places of interest. If you are interested in this position, you can go freelancer or seek employment at cultural and historical centers. With a Bachelor's degree, you can teach this subject in a high school level. However, if you want to teach art history a more college/university setting, A masters or/and doctorate would be a requirement.Believe it or not, you can use this degree to go to law school This type of law professional handles the rights of artists,contract disputes, copyright issues, and fraud.Depending on their specialty, art historians critique and interpret their findings. Whatever he or she complete their research, their can be displayed in galleries, libraries, and museums.Auction houses are looking for candidate to auction certain valuable art pieces. To be a certified auctioneer, you have to auction school. That's right! Auction school!
A curator is someone who manages an archives, gallery library and, museum. It means the position allows to choose which pieces and collection would be displayed.
A curator is someone who manages an archives, gallery library and, museum. It means the position allows to choose which pieces and collection would be displayed. | Source
A tour guide gives tours to visitors while informing tourist groups about certain places of interest. If you are interested in this position, you can go freelancer or seek employment at cultural and historical centers.
A tour guide gives tours to visitors while informing tourist groups about certain places of interest. If you are interested in this position, you can go freelancer or seek employment at cultural and historical centers. | Source
With a Bachelor's degree, you can teach this subject in a high school level. However, if you want to teach art history a more college/university setting, A masters or/and doctorate would be a requirement.
With a Bachelor's degree, you can teach this subject in a high school level. However, if you want to teach art history a more college/university setting, A masters or/and doctorate would be a requirement. | Source
Believe it or not, you can use this degree to go to law school This type of law professional handles the rights of artists,contract disputes, copyright issues, and fraud.
Believe it or not, you can use this degree to go to law school This type of law professional handles the rights of artists,contract disputes, copyright issues, and fraud. | Source
Depending on their specialty, art historians critique and interpret their findings. Whatever he or she complete their research, their can be displayed in galleries, libraries, and museums.
Depending on their specialty, art historians critique and interpret their findings. Whatever he or she complete their research, their can be displayed in galleries, libraries, and museums. | Source
Auction houses are looking for candidate to auction certain valuable art pieces. To be a certified auctioneer, you have to auction school. That's right! Auction school!
Auction houses are looking for candidate to auction certain valuable art pieces. To be a certified auctioneer, you have to auction school. That's right! Auction school! | Source

Art History Careers and Jobs

Business: Agent, appraiser, antiques dealer, consulting, corporate trainer, human resources, management, research, sales

Creative: Advertising, artist, architect, designer, graphic artist, illustrator, interior designer, photographer, producer, set design, writer

Education: Archivist, cataloger, librarian, professor, teacher

Government: Attorney, curator, judge, lawyer

Media: Critic, director, editor, writer

Science/Technology: Archaeologist, computer and information systems manager, software designer

Travel/Tourism: docent, tour guide

Job Options

What would you do with an Art History degree?

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Art History Terms

These following terms are terms of Art History movements and concepts.

  1. Abolitionist: Someone who fights against slavery
  2. Abstract Expression: an art movement that started after WWII
  3. Action painting: a painting style that includes dribbles, splashes and/or spills.
  4. Art Deco: an art movement that started in French prior to WWI
  5. Art Noveau: an art style that was popular from 1890s-1910s.
  6. Arts and Crafts Movement: an international art movement that had simple and anti-industrial forms.
  7. Baroque: an European extravagant and ornate art style that popular from early 17th century to late 18th century.
  8. Bauhaus: a German art school that was founded by Walter Groupis. It ran from 1919 to 1933.
  9. Belle Epoque (Beautiful Era): a historical period that lasted from the end of Franco-Prussian War to the beginning of WWI.
  10. Bourgeois: the upper class.
  11. Cartes-de-viste (visiting card): Invented by Andre Aldophe Eugene Disderi in 1854,there were a small photographs trading among friends and visitors.
  12. Cartography: the study of map making.
  13. Classicism: a regard to arts from classical antiquity.
  14. Minotaur: a mythological half-bull, half-human creature.
  15. Neue Sachlichkeit(New Objectivity): a German architecture style.
  16. Pointillism: a painting technique that uses small points.
  17. Pop art: a 1950s art movement that emerged in the United Kingdom United States.
  18. School of Paris (Ecole de Paris): a group early 20th century of emigrated and French artists worked in Paris, French.
  19. Surrealism: an avant garde art movement that took place in the early 20th century.
  20. Utopian: "no place"
  21. Venus: Roman mythological goddess of love
  22. Voodoun: a religion of the Fon people of the Togo
  23. Wiener Werkstatte(Vienna Workshop ): a production company that was established in Vienna, Austria in 1903. It brought architects, artists and designers that specialized in ceramics, fashion and silver.
  24. Works Progress Association (WPA): renamed Workers Projects Administration. An American New Deal agency.
  25. World War I: an international war that lasted from 1914-1918
  26. World War II: an international war that lasted from 1939-1945
  27. Yoruba: a north-central and southwestern Nigerian ethnic group.

Art Jobs and Art Degrees in Art History and Philosophy

What can I do with a History of Art degree?

What Can You Do With an Art History Degree? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall

© 2015 Veronica Adams


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