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What Are the Clouds Telling You

Updated on September 26, 2021
Author Cheryl profile image

Cheryl has been writing online for over six years. She has published nine books and written in many genres. Writing is her passion.

Rainy Days and Mondays

How well we know that song and some people would be disgruntled that it is going to rain. As I sit and watch the storm clouds rush in and rain starts falling, you just can't think of it as a good thing. Nothing grows or works without water. You can be depressed about a cloudy day because we all need sunlight to function or you can welcome the grey skies and watch how beautiful the clouds dance together to become one.

Haven't you had your most peaceful sleep when you hear the rain tapping at your window? A cloudy romance with the one you love walking in the rain. Think of it as a good thing.

What Are Clouds Made From?

Clouds are made of tiny drops of water or ice crystals that settle on dust particles in the atmosphere. The droplets are so small, a diameter of about a hundredth of a millimetre, that each cubic metre of air will contain 100 million droplets.

It was a sunny morning when my husband and I went fishing. The clouds had a beautiful array of character. Some looked like a ball of fluff that you could just fall asleep on and others looked like some type of character. The silver lining that was arranged around each one, was waiting to release the beautiful rain that would come with it.

Even though the world is in turmoil, there is still beauty. I have followed clouds most of my life and not only do I find peace and serinity watching them move and dance in the sky, but I can dream above the clouds and make them mine. When a beautiful rainbow is attached to the end of a cloud, it's vision of beauty.

What Does Their Movement Mean?

Clouds are moved by wind. High cirrus clouds are pushed along by the jet stream, sometimes traveling at more than 100 miles-per-hour. When clouds are part of a thunderstorm they usually travel at 30 to 40 mph. Although we would like to believe as the world turns so do the clouds but it just isnt true. The more wind, the more they move. They change shape and size right before your eyes.

In my life I have seen angels emerge from a cloud, faces and other characters. Their beauty will always be a mystery. How can you get an angel out of a ball of fluff? The human mind can make nothing look like something.

Beauty In a Beautiful Blue Sky

This was taken at our fishing site.
This was taken at our fishing site. | Source

What Do You See?

In this picture I see a whale with his tail sticking up high. The blue sky looks like a crystal clear ocean with fish swimming by.

That day the clouds were making many designs but have you ever just looked at them for even a minute or do you let them pass by.

Do you watch clouds

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A Variety of Appearances

No matter how many days you spend looking in the sky, you will never see any cloud twice. They are just like a snow flake. As their shapes and sizes change your imagination can broaden of what it is really saying.

When everything around you is falling down, there is peace in the sky. On a sunny day find a quiet place and watch the sky. Think about nothing but the clouds that surround you. Your spirits will be lifted. Out of all the things that God created there is nothing more beautiful then a sky full of fluff.

Quotes About Clouds

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” John Lubbock

“It is a very beautiful day. The woman looks around and thinks: 'there cannot ever have been a spring more beautiful than this. I did not know until now that clouds could be like this. I did not know that the sky is the sea and that clouds are the souls of happy ships, sunk long ago. I did not know that the wind could be tender, like hands as they caress what did I know until now?”
Unica Zürn

“When we look up, it widens our horizons. We see what a little speck we are in the universe, so insignificant, and we all take ourselves so seriously, but in the sky, there are no boundaries. No differences of caste or religion or race.” Julia Gregson

How true all these quotes are. The sky is the limit so use it.

Beauty At Its Best


How Can No One See the Beauty

Maybe you will find this hub interesting, useful to make you aware of the beautiful sky in all its glory. We study the sky at night to see all the constelations but the true beauty is a day of wonderful clouds.

Love nature, create your quiet space and enjoy the sky.


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