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What Is the Most Pointless Rule in Your School?

Updated on August 18, 2020

My high school tried to ban cleavage.


In my 4 years in high school, there were always girls getting sent to the office for clothing violations. Usually for spaghetti straps or a maybe a bare midruff. No one was actually brave enough to wear crop tops or show their whole stomach, but sometimes they’d wear a shirt that showed just an inch of skin, and bam, into the office they go. They were either given a new shirt or sent home to change. That was ridiculous to us but most schools have dress codes.

In my senior year, they decided still, that we were all dressing too sexy. They updated the policy to include “low-cut tops”.

My friend was wearing a fairly normal v-cut shirt one day. She was sent to the office. She laughed at them and told them she wasn’t going to change. They let her go, just that once since it was her first violation, but a few other girls were also sent to the office.

After that it got around that they were citing people who had any of their cleavage showing at all, even if it wasn’t excessive. And then we got mad.

My friend started going around in the tightest tops with her medium-to-large breasts out and proud. Some days I thought they were going to come out of her shirt lol

Other girls either started doing the same or they just kept wearing the same shirts they always did. Even I started wearing my favorite push-up bras to school.

If girls were sent home, they just stayed home and came back the next day with another “low cut” top.

Some girls complained to teachers and their parents that they were trying to restrict our clothing because we had breasts. It was a small town. Many of our friends had parents that were a part of school staff and administration.

The school quickly figured out that none of us were going to follow the rule and that if they wanted to enforce it, it was going to be a fight, so eventually they just stopped citing people for it.

edit: Thank you to everyone for the upvotes. Initially, I was fairly dismayed at some of the comments. I think some people took issue with some of the girls at my school deciding to show off more skin than maybe they should in protest. Some of you are right: school is not a fashion show, but I take issue with the suggesting that this policy was ok because teenage boys are going to be distracted by seeing the tiniest amount of breasts.

If teenage boys are going to be distracted, the solution is not to punish women by making them wear high neck shirts all the time.

I know this question is a month old, but I just have to answer it. Unfortunately, the nastiest thing that happened at my school was done by me.

It was my freshman year. I desperately had a crush on my best friend, Rob. He had this dark, black, hair and deep hazel eyes that made me melt every time I caught him staring at me in Math. You know, teenage hormones and the like.

Our lockers were right next to each other; we were in the same homeroom. Sometime around October, being the ever awkward and weird kid I was, thought that the best way to show Rob I liked him was by teasing him.

I left the cafeteria one day with a nearly full milk carton in hand. I held onto it throughout my last class of the day and waited for Rob at my locker. Once he had gotten his things and we said our goodbyes, I pulled out the milk and placed the carton at the bottom of his locker (he carried a lock with him but never put it on), spout open and covered slightly by a hoodie he had left in there.

Hilarious I thought, he’ll come in on Monday and have to find a chunky carton of milk in his locker. Gross, yet harmless. I was so, so wrong.

Rob found the milk carton on Monday. What I had underestimated about him though, was his capacity to simply not care. He shrugged it off, took the hoodie out of his locker and placed the lock he had never used on it. Then he left it.

A month went by, and I could smell the milk every time I opened my locker next to his. After two months and the Christmas holiday and I forwent my locker, too, instead carrying my entire bag from class to class just so I didn’t have to open my locker.

By April, the entire hallway reeked of sour milk, so strongly that the students curved around the affected area when passing through. Everyone smelled it, no one could figure out where it came from or what it was. It was deadly; so much so that people whispered about what could possibly be making THAT smell. It was the mystery everyone talked about. You could feel the thickness of the stench in the air.

The last day of school came, and we were instructed to take the locks off of our lockers and clean them out at last period. Rob tried to make a getaway - grab his lock and run for the doors before someone asked him to open it and show it had been cleaned out, but he just wasn’t quick enough. “Open it”, our home room teacher demanded, as if he knew what that locker held inside it.

With shaking hands, Rob opened the metal door, and it was if you could see a green puff of foul odor release like a bomb from inside. “Close it!” Our teacher screamed, and Rob did, both of us gagging. The teacher ran for the safety of his classroom and we left.

The first day of sophomore year we came back to a clean hallway - no smell, bare lockers. Though, our former home room teacher never looked at Rob the same. As an adult, I feel TERRIBLE for the poor custodian who had to clean that putrid milk.

However, as I lay next to my husband in bed, I can’t help but be just a little bit nostalgic for that stupid prank. Fourteen years later and Rob and I have been together ever since; inseparable.


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