When mental illness is not controlled
Killing people because your head told you to
As each one of us watched the story unfold in Colorado, it was devastating. People who just wanted to see a movie for some fun, end up dead or injured.
As the killers face is plastered all over the news, we hate him, wish death on him, probably would spit on him if we could or even shoot him.
James Holmes, unfortunately was schizophrenic, with parents who did nothing to help him with his mental illness. They are just as much guilty of this shooting as he is, for not getting the help he needed.
Does anyone normal, walk into a full movie theatre, a high school, a mall, and just open fire on people they don't know? Of course not. I'm not feeling sorry for this young man, however this whole incidence could have been avoided had his parents gotten him the help he needed and not waited until something like this occurred. Looking at his picture you can definitely tell there is something wrong with him.
No one is making excuses for him, but the world of the mentally ill, are not being treated and causing them to be a danger to themselves and others.
Mental illness happens to about one in every 17 people who are affected by serious mental illness. Over 52 million people in the United States alone are suffering from some kind of mental disorder.
So what do we do for these people? Make their families accountable when they refuse to get them help. His parents need to go to jail just like he does. As he sits in his chair without even anything but a blank stare on his face, do you really think he is all there mentally.
Sure you all will say something like, when things like this happen people always want to blame it on insanity. Well think of it this way: When people are pissed off at someone and kill just that person, they willing knew what they were doing. When someone walks in to a public place and opens fire on people that they don't even know, then that is not normal behavior by any means. Does it mean they are not mentally ill? Probably not.
Society, as in families, need to get these people help. It's not fair to these people to be mentally ill and no help is provided. Most homeless people are mentally ill or drug addicted.
We need to come together as a society and realize that mental illness is very real. It's not making excuses for their wrong doings, but with help they can live normal lives.
My heart and prayers goes out to these families in Colorado and I sincerely hope the public wakes up.
If you or a family member feels that someone in your family is of harm to themselves or someone else they can be baker acted for 72 hours. That means held in the hospital until they are seen by a physciatrist for evaluation. Then plans are put in place and meds are given for when that patient goes home.