Your hidden inner reserves of perseverance
Nature thrives in any and all environments and some of the most extreme situations, it perseveres without any stress or anxiety, which is the greatest curse or the highest blessing of the rationalizing being.
Us humans also have the hidden reservoirs of strength, endurance and perseverance inside of us to thrive in any and all circumstances and under any of the myriad outside influences, called externals. We have the gift of the reasoning and rationalizing faculty to appreciate all the mysteries of nature, but instead we use this rationalizing power to dig a hole for our psychological self.
Our thoughts belong to us, we do not belong to our thoughts. This seems to be the biggest dilemma of the current generation, and most of us are having a hard time of it. So many feel stuck in their day to day lives, doing the same things every day; eat, sleep, work. We are not finding the time to think about the things we are thinking about.
We must remember that while thoughts do occur, none of them have to mean anything unless we give power to them. Let us be like the stream that reflects the full moon perfectly at night, and let our thoughts be like the wind that distorts the reflection of the moon temporarily but not permanenetly. Life happens to us, but we also happen to life.
When we stop giving power to our thoughts, we reclaim our birthright as a free citizen of this universe, a champion of the galaxy, just like the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, black holes, comets, asteroids etc. That is when we become invincible and impervious to any and all supposed calamities that affect our thought processes. Does the plant shudder and shiver in the storm? Does the brave veteran soldier get scared before the battle? Does the Moon cry when a shooting star flies by? Does the experienced sailor and navigator hide below deck in a storm?
Let us empower thoughts which entertain notions of honesty, courage, compassion, simplicity, virtue, steadfastness, perseverance, and let us focus on our thinking center, the one that observes the myriad things our mind thinks about. The 5 senses are dull, if the reasoning center that understands them all is not fully under our control.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Mo Durrani