Should schools ban Facebook?

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  1. profile image0
    Thundermamaposted 10 years ago

    Should schools ban Facebook?

    My 14 year old daughter created a secret Facebook account, claiming she was 18, while she was at school in the computer lab. We have a strict no Facebook until your 16 policy which she went against. I am less then pleased that she was able to access this site at school. Do you think schools should ban access to Facebook from their computers?

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image94
    FatFreddysCatposted 10 years ago

    Why should the school deny Facebook access to everyone else because of the actions of one kid?

  3. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 10 years ago

    It's hard for me to say since I've never had kids before.  I personally don't trust facebook at all, and if it wasn't for my writing on hubpages, then chances are i would delete my fb accounts permanently and never bother with that site again.

    I do know there are ways you can block certain sites whenever you use the internet on public computers.  like back when i was unemployed for a while, i know the work source center i went to help find another one allowed you to use computers there.  heck, it even had internet access, but the only thing is it restricted you from going to social sites, or anything that wasn't work related like say job search sites, or your email like at yahoo, hotmail and etc.

    Am I suggesting that schools should do this?  Um...yes and no.  I can see schools wanting to obviously block sites like porn sites, or something like that.  But if we're talking about social sites like facebook, then that's a bit debatable.

    On the one hand, i don't see it as a big deal as long as it doesn't interfere with the kids learning stuff.  but at the same time, i can see how it might be counter productive. i do believe there should be a mandatory class in schools warning kids about the dangers of the internet though if you want me to be honest, but outside of that, you can't really shelter your kids from everything.

  4. profile image0
    sheilamyersposted 10 years ago

    I agree with FatFreddy. Some parents allow their kids to use FB so they should be allowed to access it at school if the school gives the kids the time to use the computers for social networking. They shouldn't block FB because only a handful of parents don't want their kids on the site. Besides, if they can't do it at school, the kids who aren't allowed by their parents will only find someplace else (like a public library) at which to have a FB account.

  5. 2besure profile image82
    2besureposted 10 years ago

    I do not feel schools should ban FB.  The problem that not your daughter was able to access FB at school.but that she does not respect or obey your rules. If she did not get access at school, it would have been the public library, a friends house or smart phone, table, etc. Kids will always find a way around rules they feel unreasonable. Especially when all their peer are doing something.  Perhaps it would be better to allow her have an account and make sure you monitor her activity.  At least you will know what she is doing.

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Now that's probably the best response to this question that i've seen so far.

    2. luvtoowrite profile image40
      luvtoowriteposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, Facebook nor the school is the problem. If your daughter wants to get on Facebook, she will find a way to do it one way or another.

  6. cebutouristspot profile image77
    cebutouristspotposted 10 years ago

    I think that each student should be given an account to access the internet using the school equipment.

    The account should restrict the access according to age.  Not fool proof but it helps

  7. glassvisage profile image84
    glassvisageposted 10 years ago

    I do not think schools should allow students to access Facebook on school computers. Facebook is not part of the curriculum and school equipment should not be used to access material that is often distracting from schoolwork. I work at a government job and we are not allowed to use work computers for social networking or other non-work related activities; we can bring our own laptops or tablets for that purpose if we really need to, and I know a lot of kids have smartphones these days, so they can just go on their phones.

    With budget cuts, there is already so little time for actual schoolwork and learning... Why have students be able to go on Facebook where they are most likely not learning, but possibly being exposed to negative things, including bullying.

    If banning Facebook from schools mean the students will have to go to the library or somewhere else to use it or create an account, so be it.

  8. tHErEDpILL profile image83
    tHErEDpILLposted 10 years ago
  9. teaches12345 profile image78
    teaches12345posted 10 years ago

    Schools usually have a policy banning the use of electronic devices.  Teachers know how easily distracted students become when it is available for use.  Plus, it tends to cause problems for young children.  The firewalls should prevent students from accessing Facebook and other sites, but then I suppose some would consider it censorship.  And, kids are pretty computer savvy and know how to get around the blocks.  Best advice, is to talk to your child about the proper uses of social media and the consequences of poor communication within the sites.


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