Bigfoot | Is the Monster Real or a Hoax?
Does Bigfoot Exist, or Is Bigfoot a Hoax?
For decades, there has been some debate as to whether Bigfoot is real. A huge, ape-like creature that roams the Pacific Northwest, Bigfoot has been sighted by native Americans as early as the 1850s. Today, average citizens, as well as policemen and other officials claim to have seen him.
While there are photos and videos of Bigfoot, they are extremely fuzzy. How is it that a game camera can take sharp photos & videos of other wild animals like deer and mountain lions, but fail to get good ones of Bigfoot? I doubt that he can move faster than one of those!
My belief is that while there may have been an ape-like beast like Bigfoot thousands of years ago, he simply doesn't exist today. So my position is that Bigfoot is a hoax - just another monster story to scare little kids and naive adults.
So what do you think? - Does Bigfoot exist?
I've told you my opinion about the existence of Bigfoot. Here is your opportunity to share yours. Do you believe that Bigfoot is real? Is Bigfoot an actual beast that not only roamed the world thousands of years ago, but is still in existence?
Or, is Bigfoot is a myth and a hoax? To people who enjoy believing in monsters and aliens, is this just another story to tell around a campfire?
State your case here!
This is an open debate and all comments are welcome. Please note: This is a g-rated site and any posts with profanity or lewd comments will be deleted immediately.
Bigfoot - Is he real or is the story a hoax?
Bigfoot is a Hoax - And these websites agree
I've read a lot of articles on Bigfoot, and found that quite a few of them agree with me. Bigfoot is simply a hoax, or practical joke... or is he? Follow these links to see what others have to say:
- Bigfoot is just a man in a rubber suit....
An article from National Geographic - Man admits: "I was Bigfoot..."
Washington Post article about a man named Bob Heironimus, who admits he dressed up in a gorilla suit. - Bigfoot Hoaxes
A website dedicated to Bigfoot hoaxes
Bigfoot Sighting
These sites suggest Bigfoot is real:
These pages provide some proof that Bigfoot is a true beast, and not a hoax. If you know of a site I've missed, please add it to the comments at the bottom.
- Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
The only scientific organization dedicated to exploring the Bigfoot mystery -
Oregon Bigfoot bigfoot photos, bigfoot sounds, video and database of bigfoot and sasquatch sightings in Oregon and nationwide - Squatch Unlimited
At Squatch Unlimited their objective is to experience this mystery and foster a message of conservation for the Sasquatch species.
MonsterQuest TV Show - Did they prove Bigfoot is real?
This is the entire show on Bigfoot, so it is a bit long. I saw this episode when it first aired, and found it to be quite interesting. Will it change the way you think about Bigfoot?
In Search of Bigfoot
Do You Believe in Bigfoot?
Show your support!
If you believe that Bigfoot is real, then it's time to show your support! A great buy on a Bigfoot T-shirt will show the world you believe!
And for even more Bigfoot items - tshirts, caps, mugs, stationary, keychains and stickers, be sure to visit the Let's Talk Bigfoot Store on Zazzle.
If Bigfoot is real, can he dance?
This video is totally unrelated to Bigfoot, but I thought of him when I saw this. If Bigfoot is real, do you think he can dance like this?
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