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Updated on August 22, 2019


How do the unthinkable become thinkable? Though slow, persistent, and quiet change.

Most Americans view pedophilia – the sexual exploitation of children – as an abomination. But gay activists are now openly advocating it, calling it “intergenerational intimacy.” As Mary Eberstadt writes in the Weekly Standard, the “social consensus against the sexual exploitation of children… is apparently eroding.”

The process of erosion began some twenty years ago, when academics began questioning the almost universal condemnation of pedophilia. Soon, filmmakers and advertisers joined in, giving us movies like Lolita, which depicts a sexual liaison between a twelve year old girl and a forty year old man. More recently, advertisers such as Calvin Klein have pushed the envelope, using childlike models in sexually explicit poses in bill boards and advertising.

Most Americans didn’t fully wake up to the danger until 1998. That’s when the American Psychological Association published the results of a study that argued that sex between adults and children is not always harmful, and that what have been called “willing encounters” should be relabeled as “adult-child sex.”

The public was outraged. But, shockingly, mainline newspapers allowed homosexual activities to use their pages to attack not the study but people like radio host Laura Schlessinger, who criticized the study as one example, in National Journal, Jonathan Rauch wrote approvingly of the study and called the Congressional vote condemning it “faintly sinister.” Mainline publishers also helped lower the deviancy bar by publishing novels with sympathetic portrayals of men having sex with boys as young as seven-novels that are available at your neighborhood bookstores.

Inn their 1979 book Whatever Happened to the Human Race? C. Everett Koop and Francis Schaeffer predicted that things considered unthinkable I the seventies-things like pedophilia-would be quite thinkable I the nineties. This would happen, they wrote, because “the consensus of our society no longer rests on a Judeo-Christian base, but rather on a humanistic one.” Humanists view people as products of chance, not as creations of God-which means there are no transcendent standards. Standards fluctuate depending on what is viewed as “necessary, expedient, or even fashionable.”

Christians cannot ignore this issue. The next time you see an ad exploiting children, speak out. Write the advertisers boycott their products, and inform your lawmakers.

Living as we do in a depraved culture, we should also examine our hearts to make certain we are not gradually becoming more “tolerant” on any matter God calls an abomination. God help us if we allow the barbarians in our midst to convince Americans that child molestation is just another fashionable trend of the twenty-first century.

written and published by Emmanuel - cashplash


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