Why are Republicans and Democrats against the constitution?

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  1. Daniel J. Neumann profile image61
    Daniel J. Neumannposted 14 years ago

    Why are Republicans and Democrats against the constitution?

    Republicans want to repeal the 1st amendment when it comes to religious freedom and repeal the 14th amendment when it comes to birth-right citizenship. Democrats want to repeal the 2nd amendment (and the 14th amendment) when it comes to militias and the individual right to bear arms. What happened to America? Isn't it a spit in the eye to destroy years of hard work and spilt blood for our rights to throw them out as soon as a Mosque is built near Ground Zero or a terrible shooting occurs at a school? I thought we were idealists, but obviously we've outgrown principles.

  2. Sir Dragon profile image60
    Sir Dragonposted 14 years ago

    Just imagine having a constitution for 225 years. From the days of muskets, to computers, satelites, and spaceships. It's out-dated. Within the beginning paragraphs there is language there giving any white man a right to capture a runaway slave in any state, and to bring him back to his master in another state. Read that before you even get to the 1st amendment. I believe, and I am hoping, that Democrats and Republicans, alike, are leading up to fixing that problem once they get going on constitutional revisions and updates.

    However, I don't see the need to mess around with the 2nd amendment and 14th amandment.

  3. profile image0
    Chasukposted 14 years ago

    I'm not aware of any effort by Democrats to repeal the 2nd or the 14th amendment, nor would I agree that Democrats are "against" the Constitution.

    Many honest legal scholars interpret the right to bear arms as more restrictive than the usual Republican interpretation, and many don't. I shared this interpretation, until reading the recent Supreme Court clarification. My difference of opinion didn't make me "against" the Constitution.

  4. Godwin Nwando profile image59
    Godwin Nwandoposted 14 years ago

    Because they are politicians and dont care about the constitution, they mainly care about votes.
    To check my opinion about the Mosque itself see

    Mosque in Ground Zero: Politics as Usual
    http://hubpages.com/hub/Mosque-in-Groun … s-as-Usual

  5. drbillfannin profile image60
    drbillfanninposted 14 years ago

    In the first place, Republicans are not trying to ban the 14th amendment on birth-right citizenship. There is a difference between "legal" and "illegal" people in this country. A child born to illegals is also illegal and should not be a citizen. When the Constitution was written there were no illegals in this country. We had open borders. Once our population became excessive and the government enacted rules on immigration, that amendment should have been changed. It was a failure of our congress not to have rewritten the amendment to better reflect the new immigration policy. In the second place, what are you referring to when you say they want to ban religious freedom? I hope you aren't referring to the mosque issue. This may surprise you, but there are many rules and regulations that limit the placement of buildings in this country. You have to agree, this is pure bull. The Muslims are making a statement. Get ready, you'll be bowing to Allah soon enough, if you aren't already. Our current government wants to eliminate Christianity.

    But, I do agree that both parties have lost any semblance of common sense, and they all seem to be driven by power and control, not the servants of the people that they are.

  6. drdspervez profile image70
    drdspervezposted 13 years ago

    If anyone does a wrong thing his/her whole nation has to suffer and Pakistani's have done some cheating so other nations think that every Pakistani is alike, which is wrong ,we are like five fingers each different from one another and there are good people also among us and that is why we are surviving.    smile

                               DR.DURRESHAHWAR PERVEZ


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