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Exam Stress

Updated on June 4, 2020
Praneel Kumar profile image

Praneel is a General Awareness, Technology, & Health related issues writer and a story teller. Praneel loves to cook nutritious food.

Exam Stress
Exam Stress

In education, an examination is an official test to show the knowledge and ability of a student in a particular subject. It evaluates student skills. Now-a-days students find exams are stressful. Students have been facing a crucial phase in their lives during exams as the results decide their subject knowledge and future career path. This creates considerable pressure on the students and also on their parents. The exams will actually create all types of feelings like angriness, anxieties, moodiness, nervousness, depression, and even sad feelings. During this period, stress of the exam sometimes leads to trouble sleeping, lack of motivation, headaches, nail biting, etc., in students.

Obviously, students will undergo stress and pressure not only with their subject or portion, but also with their parents. Indirectly or unknowingly parents are also becoming a part putting pressure or stress on their children at this moment as they expect a lot from their children and therefore pressurize them to perform well in exams. In some cases people feel exam stress due to comparing themselves to other people. However, keeping high expectations and pressurizing children during exams can cause stress in them.

Below are some steps for students that may help to lower the stress during exams:

  • Stick to a routine by eating and sleeping at around the same time each day. Avoid junk food and start eating a well-balanced diet that includes lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, cereals, grains, nuts and protein that are good for the brain and energy levels.
  • Drink lots of water and cut back on energy drinks.

Time Management
Time Management
  • Good time management is necessary. So, students should aim to begin studying at least one month in advance by preparing timetable and keep focusing on it. Don’t keep more interactions with your friends and family members. It may lead to a diversion from your studies.
  • After finishing up some plan of your portion take some leisure by watching TV shows or go for a walk or run. Don’t stick on to studies continuously.
  • Deep breathing, meditation, and listening to music are some relaxation activities. So, in between your studies allow yourself time to rest and try out some relaxation activities.

Take a nap
Take a nap
  • Sleep plays a vital role in reducing stress and also sleep will recharge your brain. It will also increase remembrance power. So, take some naps in between and also try to get a good sleep at night and boost up your brain. This will obviously calm up your stress and tension.

Parents’ support plays a major role during exams. They should know that and lead them accordingly:

Parents Support
Parents Support
  • During exam period, parents should avoid putting too much pressure on their children.
  • Parents should pay attention towards their child nutritious diet, exercise, allow them to have a good sleep, and try to make time for leisure activities.
  • Parents should help their children in preparing timetable for studies and also try to teach them the right way to follow timetable and study accordingly.
  • Parents sometimes try to motivate their children with some rewards, gifts, etc.

Here are a few tips that students should follow before going to exams:

  • Be prepared to attempt your exam and be confident.
  • Arrange the things that you need to take with you on exam day the night before itself.
  • Before going to exam eat light food.
  • Reading until the last minute will confuse your mind, so don’t read while you travel to exam center, just relax and look around.
  • After entering into exam center, search for your seat and sit down, just take a deep breath and relax.
  • While doing your exams in examination hall, you should follow the rules and regulations mentioned in the hall ticket. You must be keen about your surroundings and don’t try to attempt any malpractice.

Exam Time
Exam Time
  • After receiving question paper, you please don’t be so hurry to answer the questions right away. First you read through the exam paper carefully and also look at the marks, section wise. Now, answer the questions that you know or find easiest first and then work on the remaining questions. At the end of the exam, make some time to crosscheck the question paper with your answer sheet and make sure that you attempted all correctly.
  • After completing the exam and coming out of the exam center, don’t talk or discuss more with your friends about the written exam, just focus on the next exam and get succeed.


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