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The Reptilians Are Taking Over!

Updated on June 10, 2023
Sleestaks from The Land of the Lost
Sleestaks from The Land of the Lost

The Reptilians are taking over the Earth!

The concept of reptilians taking control of Earth or having already done so is a topic that varies depending on individual beliefs. Some proponents assert that this takeover is occurring, while others remain skeptical. Personally, my interest in conspiracy theories was piqued when I received a copy of Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum as a Christmas gift. Reading the book, I discovered that many of the theories presented within its pages were actually embraced by real people. With the advent of the internet, I was able to conduct my own research into these subjects.

During my exploration, I came across a figure named David Icke, known for his roles as a writer, public speaker, former footballer, and ex-media personality. David put forth a theory suggesting that blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian beings from other dimensions were attempting to seize control of society. Some even believe they have already achieved their objective. As someone who has enjoyed science fiction and comic books throughout my life, I found this idea particularly intriguing. David claimed that Hollywood and various world governments were heavily influenced by these reptilian creatures and proceeded to name specific individuals allegedly under their control, including George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Richard Cheney, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Queen Elizabeth, and her sons Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, among others.

Engrossed by these claims, I delved into online research, exploring videos on platforms like YouTube. I was astonished to discover a significant number of users who wholeheartedly embraced David's ideas. However, it is important to note that David did not originate the notion of reptilian domination himself.

Helena Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky

Reptilians in Modern Times

Moving further back in history, Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society, touched upon the concept of "Dragon-men" in her book "The Secret Doctrine" (1888). According to Blavatsky, these Dragon-men thrived in a powerful civilization located on the ancient Lemurian continent. This demonstrates that the idea of reptilian beings coexisting with humans is not a recent phenomenon but has historical roots.

The notion of reptilians has also persisted into modern times. Brian Dunning, on the website, suggests that the modern-day reptilian theory may have its origins in an article published in the Los Angeles Times in 1934. The article featured G. Warren Shufelt, a geophysical mining engineer, who claimed to have discovered subterranean labyrinths beneath Los Angeles leading to an underground city. According to Shufelt, this city was constructed by an advanced race known as the "Lizard People" around 5,000 years ago as a means to escape surface catastrophes. Remarkably, these claims were documented in a newspaper as prominent as the Los Angeles Times.

Therefore, the concept of reptilian beings infiltrating human society and influencing world affairs has a historical lineage, as exemplified by the works of Helena Blavatsky and the intriguing article published in the Los Angeles Times.

Gustave Dore, Depiction of Satan
Gustave Dore, Depiction of Satan

Reptilians in Ancient History

Reptilian symbolism and serpent figures can indeed be found throughout ancient history, spanning various cultures and mythologies. In the Bible, the serpent is famously associated with Satan and the downfall of mankind. The Book of Revelation refers to the serpent as the "old serpent" representing the Devil and Satan.

In Greek mythology, there are accounts of serpent-related figures. Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind, was described as a winged man with serpents instead of legs. Cecrops I, the mythical king of Athens, was depicted as half man and half snake, although some variations mention a fish-tail instead. The cult of Glycon in Macedonia was either a snake cult or a hoax orchestrated by the Greek prophet Alexander of Abonutichus.

Ancient snake cults have been discovered in various locations such as Canaan, Megiddo, Gezer, Hazor, and Shechem. Greek mythology includes the Gorgons, three sisters with venomous snake hair capable of turning people to stone. Lamia, another creature in Greek mythology, was depicted as half woman and half serpent and was said to devour children.

In Chinese mythology, the Dragon Kings were occasionally depicted as reptilian beings. Fu Xi and Nüwa, sibling deities, were often depicted with snake-like lower bodies. The Legend of the White Snake tells the story of a white snake that could assume human form. Hindu mythology features the Naga, deities or beings capable of taking the form of large snakes, often depicted as King Cobras.

The Ancient Egyptians revered Sobek, a god with a crocodile head. Islamic mythology describes certain djinn as having the appearance of dogs, vultures, snakes, or dragons. Zahhak, a malevolent figure in Iranian mythology, is also known as Azi Dahaka, with "azi" meaning serpent or dragon. Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, is a well-known Aztec creator and sky god. In Mesoamerica, there was also Gukumatz, the "sovereign plumed serpent," and Kukulkan, the Mayan snake deity, both associated with creation and divinity.

It is interesting to note that in the 1990s, scientists discovered evidence suggesting that some dinosaurs may have had feathers, adding a new dimension to our understanding of these ancient reptiles.


Silurians from  Doctor Who
Silurians from Doctor Who

Reptilians on TV

Science fiction and fantasy TV shows have contributed to popularizing the idea of reptilian-like beings. The British TV series Doctor Who has featured several reptilian races, such as the Ice Warriors (1967), Draconians (1973), and Silurians (originally known as the Sea Devils, 1970). These extraterrestrial and prehistoric reptilian humanoids have become iconic within the Doctor Who universe.

In the US TV series Land of the Lost (1974-1976), the Sleestaks were large, green reptilian and insectoid humanoid creatures. Star Trek: The Original Series introduced the Gorn, a reptilian species with hissing sounds reminiscent of Sleestaks. Subsequent Star Trek series included other reptilian races like the Cardassians, Jem'Hadar, Voth, Tosk, and Xindi-Reptilians.

Stargate SG-1 featured the Goa'uld, parasitic serpentine beings from the planet P3X-888, who are often referred to as "snakes" or "snakeheads" due to their reptilian forms. The TV series V, which aired in the 1980s, presented an alien reptilian race infiltrating Earth, providing inspiration for reptilian conspiracy theories, particularly David Icke's work.

Additionally, the 1972 TV movie "Gargoyles" incorporated reptilian themes, exploring ideas of ancient reptilian beings that have existed since the dawn of humanity and dwell underground. These portrayals in popular media have certainly influenced and fueled the reptilian theories that exist today.

Well she looks kinda scary here.....
Well she looks kinda scary here.....

Reptilians, The Bottom Line

So the bottom line here.....

The concept of reptilian beings manipulating or controlling humanity is primarily a product of conspiracy theories and speculative ideas. There is no credible scientific evidence to support the existence of shape-shifting reptilians or their involvement in manipulating human affairs.

Conspiracy theories often emerge as a way to explain complex or unexplained events, providing a sense of control or a scapegoat for the challenges and problems in the world. Belief in reptilian beings can be seen as a metaphorical or symbolic representation of hidden forces or powers that some individuals perceive as responsible for the negative aspects of society.

Media, including TV shows, movies, and books, have undoubtedly played a role in popularizing the idea of reptilian-like beings, both extraterrestrial and terrestrial. However, it's important to remember that media primarily serves entertainment purposes, and the portrayal of reptilian characters is often fictional and for dramatic effect.

Ultimately, beliefs regarding reptilian beings and their influence on humanity are subjective and vary from person to person. Critical thinking, research, and evaluating evidence are crucial in forming an informed opinion. It's up to individuals to make their own judgments and conclusions based on the information available to them.

Reptilian Related Stuff At Amazon

Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thousands of Years-and Still Does
Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thousands of Years-and Still Does
How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thousands of Years-and Still Does

Update: Advanced dinosaurs may rule other planets!

It sounds like the plot to a science fiction story, but new scientific research hypothesizes that "advanced dinosaurs" may have evolved on other planets in the universe.

According to Dr. Ronald Breslow, the advanced versions of T. rex and other dinosaurs would likely be monstrous creatures with the intelligence and cunning of humans."


Full story:

TG Daily

Chitauri - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Chitauri - Marvel Cinematic Universe

Update - Reptilians Vs Superheroes!

Have you noticed that this summer, the Marvel superheroes seem to be working overtime to eliminate the Reptilian menace?

In this summers blockbuster "The Avengers". Loki's army is the Chitauri, who in the comics are a race of extraterrestrial reptilian shape shifters and in the movie are grey-skinned, six-fingered reptilian humanoids.

In the animated Marvel movies "Ultimate Avengers" and "Ultimate Avengers 2", the Chitauri are shown as seven feet tall reptilian creatures.

And yes back in 1999 Zulu Sangoma and Sanusi Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa said this about the reptilians....

"And there is another name by which these creatures are known. This name is Chitauli. Now, the word Chitauli means "the dictators, the ones who tell us the law". In other words, "they who tell us, secretly, what we are to do. Now, it is said that these Chitauli did a number of things to us when they came to this planet."

I'm gonna assume Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch seized upon that name to tie in their Chitauri with Credo's Chitauli.

Not that Millar and Hitch were actually to warn us about something.....

And "The Amazing Spider-Man", Spidey will be taking on...The Lizard!

(I wish I had the "Dun Dun DUN!" sound effect)

So Marvel...what are you saying....?

The Watch - Reptilian Alien
The Watch - Reptilian Alien

UPDATE: More Reptilian Aliens?

If you saw the 2012 "comedy" (ahem) The Watch, you saw even more reptilian aliens that could steal their victims' skin and disguise themselves as humans.

Is it becoming cliché now?

UPDATE: Reptilians In The Rejected Jurassic Park IV Script

Reptilians In The Jurassic Park IV Script
Reptilians In The Jurassic Park IV Script

Over at Bloody Disgusting there is an article about "the previous incarnation" of the Jurassic Park IV script.

The story centered around genetically engineered human-dinosaur hybrids.....

I swear Icke is FEEDING these people information!

Anyway here is the article .....

Bloody Disgusting

The battle continues.....
The battle continues.....

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