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7 Tips to Survive Back to School Stress

Updated on September 9, 2020

As summer turns to fall the minds of all kids and their parents begin to turn to get back into the school routine.

This is also the time where the added stress of new schedules, homework, extracurricular sports, and other family functions begin to take their toll on parents and kids alike. Things can get very hectic in a very short time if not managed well.

We have put together 7 tips to help parents find the balance they need when it comes to school, work, life, and family.

1. Beat Stress by Getting Organized

The number one reason most parents get stressed when their kids head back to school is that the family is not well organized for it. Some quick solutions to help you and your family stay organized is to buy a calendar and keep it up to date with your activities. Use the calendar to schedule daily dinner menus, chore lists, and upcoming events to help you stay organized.

2. Remember Your Priorities

Recognize what is most important to you at home and at work and make sure everyone understands what they are. If need be, set goals with your family on what activities are most important and get them involved in making sure those goals are achieved.

3. Evaluate Your Values

Stress comes from not understanding the difference between values and priorities. A parent’s tasks don’t always fall into something of value and become just a priority; however, you will feel out of balance if some tasks are not taking your values into consideration.

4. Do a Favor, Get a Favor

With the hustle and bustle of school kids, learning to pay it forward can be a stress reliever. Do favors for other mom’s long before you need a favor from them. Volunteer to drive someone else’s kids if your kids are going to the same place. Doing the favor first sets the tone for other parents to do the same for you.

5. Hire Some Help

You can’t be super-parent and do it all; however, you can hire help inexpensively. Look into hiring some high-school students to help with your kids’ homework. Retirees are great to help out and give you an extra set of hands. All of these are cheap ways to relieve your stress of trying to do it all.

6. Keep in Touch with the Family

Schedule some time with the whole family to talk about issues you or they may have. Deal with responsibilities and delegate chores as well as taking this time to update the calendar for upcoming activities.

7. Get Some Exercise

Nothing relieves stress better than good old exercise. Make it a priority in not only your life but your kids as well. Bike ride together or take family hikes. Exercising helps to increase your energy and gives you that leg up you will need when the school schedule starts to get crazy.

*Remember*, stress just goes with the territory of being a parent of school-aged kids. When the stress gets a bit too much, look for reasons to laugh about the situations. Not only you will feel better, but your kids will find the laughter contagious and they will have learned a lesson on stress-busting.

© 2020 Sid mark


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