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How to manage a class effectively

Updated on February 5, 2016


Classroom management is defined as the careful planning, presenting, discipline, controlling and supervising of classroom activities in order effective learning to take place. A good classroom environment is important because it stimulates learning in a child. Therefore it is vital that teachers should acquire excellent teaching and management skills that are needed to run the class smoothly. The following are the 8 best ways of managing a class effectively.

Get attention and Full participation

Davis and Pearse (2000) states that getting attention and having full participation of the learners is one of the skills required for effective classroom management. It may seem unrealistic and impossible to expect learners to pay attention to the teacher throughout the lesson. Therefore it is the duty of the well skilled teacher to know the process in order to avoid problems of ineffectual explaining and irritating shouting of something over and over to the learners. A teacher should train the learners to respond to a range of non-verbal signals example, when there is noise in class he/she should just stand in front quietly looking at the learners until is total silence and gets everyone’s attention.

Plan effectively

Planning is of great importance in effective classroom management. Class managers ought to plan lesson which includes a variety of activities which meets the teaching objectives (Baker and Westrup, 1998). The teacher should always research and get the latest information that they present to the class has it gives them confidence to handle questions and the lesson in whatever angle it may be and it is also greatly appreciated by the learners.

Give clear Instructions

Galloway and Edwards (1991) claims that a teacher can effectively manage a class by giving effective instruction which is very vital if activities are to run smoothly , especially activities involving interaction such as group discussions. It is therefore the duty of teachers train the learners to be quiet and listen very careful. When giving the instruction the teacher should make that he/she is seen and heard by every learner and the instruction should be simple and clear, especially with elementary learners were a demonstration of the activity is much required. Never assume that the learners have understand what you want them to do just from instruction, check for understanding by selecting a few learners to demonstrate the activity briefly or paraphrase the instructions

Manage time effectively

Time management is very important in managing a class because it allows the learning process to take place effectively (farrant, 1964). If a teacher spends much time on a topic, the learners will eventually get bored and easily lose interest in what is been taught. It is therefore required that a good teacher should divide the time carefully if learning is to take place very well.

Learn to encourage and motivation

Effective classroom management also involves teachers encouraging and motivating all learners to succeed in life. Encouragement refers to a positive acknowledgement to focus on student work completed. It does not place judgment on student work or give information regarding its value; it focuses on improvement and effort.


Another special component of excellent classroom management that a teacher should put in place is moral conduct of oneself (Davies and Pearse, 2000). In fact it is the main preoccupation for some teachers especially those of children and adolescent. A teacher should recall that good order, cooperation and respect in the classroom are seldom accidental; they are usually the direct results of the way the teacher teaches and the way he/she relates to the learners. It is wise to begin some lesson in the fairly formal or even strict way and then relax little by little as you gain cooperation of the group. But you will soon start having problems if you do not follow the basic recommendation such as planning, managing time, eclectic, motivating and been fair to all learners.



Discipline does not only refers to the way you the teacher conducts and project him/herself but also refers to setting rules to guide and control the learners in order to effectively manage a class(Jarolimek and foster, 1981). Rules should be put in place to manage the moral behavior and attitude of the learners. In case of trouble markers, they should be reported to the head teacher or get punished. Never give a punishment that is humiliating or unreasonable and always reintegrate the offender into the group after they have received their reprimand. This is importance not just for the learner involved but also the teacher standing with the group. The teacher should note that the learners evaluate the disciplinary action taken against their friend and when they feel it unfair the problem will grow as well as develop strong dislike towards the teacher.

Classroom environment

As a teacher you should know that the classroom arrangement or organization also plays a role in effective management, the classroom should be well organized and desks place in correct order accordingly. There should be also a variety of talking wall papers to stimulate learner’s interest to learn and to rein force memory retention.

Reference and Books cited

Davis. P and Pearse. E(2000). Succes in English Teaching. New York: Oxford University press.

Farrant .J.S.(1964).Principle and practice of education.Singapore:Longmann group UK ltd.

Foster .D.C and Jarolimek .J. (1981). Teaching and learning in the elementary school.USA:Macmillain

Galloway. D and Edward. A. (1991). Primary school teaching and educational psychology. London: Longman

Westrup. H and Baker. J. (1958). The English language. London: Heinemann


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