2012 Movie
“Mankind’s earliest civilization warned us. This day would come.”
With the Mayan calendar ending in 2012, the whole world must deal with natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons, glaciers, tsunamis and the like. The world must deal with the end.
2012 the movie, is really scary to think about. The end of the world has been talked about many times. But no one really knows if there is really such doomsday. Whatever the warnings are, let us watch this movie to be prepared anyhow.
The movie is distributed by Columbia Pictures, directed by Roland Emmerich who also brought The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day, 2012 stars John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Woody Harrelson
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Release Dates Worldwide
North America
Canada 13-Nov-09
United States 13-Nov-09
Latin America
Argentina 13-Nov-09
Bolivia 03-Dec-09
Brazil 12-Nov-09
Chile 13-Nov-09
Colombia 13-Nov-09
Ecuador 13-Nov-09
Mexico 13-Nov-09
Peru 12-Nov-09
Uruguay 13-Nov-09
Venezuela 13-Nov-09
Asia Pacific
Australia 12-Nov-09
Hong Kong 12-Nov-09
India 13-Nov-09
Indonesia 13-Nov-09
Japan 21-Nov-09
Korea 12-Nov-09
Malaysia 12-Nov-09
New Zealand 12-Nov-09
Philippines 13-Nov-09
Singapore 12-Nov-09
Taiwan 13-Nov-09
Thailand 12-Nov-09
Vietnam 20-Nov-09
Belgium 11-Nov-09
Bulgaria 13-Nov-09
CzechRepublic 12-Nov-09
Denmark 13-Nov-09
Germany 19-Nov-09
Spain 20-Nov-09
Estonia 13-Nov-09
Greece 12-Nov-09
France 11-Nov-09
Netherlands 12-Nov-09
Croatia 12-Nov-09
Iceland 13-Nov-09
Italy 13-Nov-09
Latvia 13-Nov-09
Lithuania 13-Nov-09
Hungary 12-Nov-09
Norway 13-Nov-09
Austria 20-Nov-09
Poland 13-Nov-09
Portugal 12-Nov-09
Russia 12-Nov-09
Romania 13-Nov-09
Switzerland 13-Nov-09
Slovenia 12-Nov-09
Slovakia 12-Nov-09
Serbia 12-Nov-09
Montenegro 12-Nov-09
Finland 13-Nov-09
Sweden 13-Nov-09
Turkey 13-Nov-09
Ukraine 12-Nov-09
United Kingdom 13-Nov-09
Middle East
Bahrain 12-Nov-09
Egypt 11-Nov-09
Ethiopia 13-Nov-09
Israel 12-Nov-09
Jordan 11-Nov-09
Kenya 13-Nov-09
Kuwait 12-Nov-09
Lebanon 12-Nov-09
Nigeria 13-Nov-09
Oman 12-Nov-09
Qatar 12-Nov-09
South Africa 04-Dec-09
Syria 12-Nov-09
United Arab Emirates 12-Nov-09