22 Funny Captchas
The word captcha has been a complete enigma for me. Who thought it up? Does it mean anything? It sounds do strange!
Therefore, I decided to do some research (which is a fancy way of saying 'Googled something') and found out that captcha means something!
Captcha stands for Completely Annoying Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. No, really. It's automated. Not annoying.
I just keep wondering what's so automated about it, though. Me trying to decipher totally annoying unreadable code that's often written in an alien tongue, in twisted and turned words and letters with diacritical marks all about them? The embarrassment of failure when you get it wrong? The frustration of having to keep on reseting the code? None of it is really automated, not from my perspective.
There is an upside to captchas, though. it's the giggle you get when you encounter something really silly. I've even heard there are people who enjoy captchas. Not just the funny captchas, but all of them.
There is a science formulating about them, a kind of mania that gains its most distinct expression in the linguistic study of newly coined words and phrases. Did you know that some of the more interesting expressions that you come across in the novels of contemporary writer geniuses come directly from captcha programs. They are on their way to becoming colloquialisms for the new generation.
Anyway, enough of this incessant blabber and let the fun begin. Here are the 22 funniest captchas I have found in the sticky Interwebs.
There is something else you need to know about captchas. It's the voice captcha option. Never use it! Never! They have never helped to decipher a captcha code. On the other hand there are countless stories about satanic incantations people listened to only to grow a pigtail by the next morning.