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Aaron Alexis's attack on a Navy Yard.

Updated on September 17, 2013

A troubled past, slipped by U.S. Military Leaders!

Aaron Alexis, sadly shot a police offier and many civilians on Monday September 16, 2013. I offer my condolences and prayers to the family of the victims. Please join me in praying for them and doing what we can to help them all!

My greatest concern moving forward.

It is also important to ask why this happened, and what must change in the future to prevent this. Did you know that Aaron Alexis had several run ins with the law before he joined the military? Did you know that he had 7 incidents while he was in the Navy? Yes, that is now coming out. What I believe is the real cause of this, was the very shotty handling of this by The Navy! Though Mr. Alexis was discharged from the Navy he still had his Id. badge, and it was still valid! How could that badge, that only needed to be shown and not swiped, still be allowed to give him security clearance?

Ladies and gentlemen, this issues has nothing to do with guns because he never should have been allowed on that Naval yard or building in the first place. Besides, once he got in, he reportedly stole a firearm from someone who worked there! Instead of gun control talk, let's talk about why basic, common sense, security messures were ignored in Washington D.C. at a military facility of all places! This man who appearently had severe emotional issues, would have aquired a weapon or explosves somehow. Oh, by the way, visitors are not allowed to bring guns to this yard. So, he was already prohibitted from having a gun there.

If you agree please call your U.S. Senator and Congressional Representative, and ask them for a full report on how these faulty security practices are being solved. Why? There are over 4,000,000 contractors with the clearance that Alexis had! Something is very wrong with the fact that this could have been prevented but wasn't.

Also, ask them to end political correctness when it comes to hiring practices in our government!

What actually happened

On Monday morning, September 16th 2013, Aaron Alexis, who had many run ins with military and civil authorities, entered a Navy Yard in Washington D.C. with several fire arms. He was a Naval Reservist that recieved a discharge under the Early Enlisted Transition Program. I can't understand how because his misconduct in the Navy Reserve included everything from unauthorized absences from work to insubordination and disorderly conduct, including one involving drunkenness. He was also arrested for firing a weapon in his apartment in Texas! He had a long history of mental illness and arrests.

However, when he showed his id. badge at the gate, he was allowed access! He killer 12 people and Alexis himself was reported shot to death by a D.C. Metro Police Officer.

A miracle happened today!

A women who was shot in the hand and the head survived and does not at this point, require surgery. That is a miracle!

A brave act!

A man who worked in a cafe in this facility, heard the shots and immeadiately ran to find a co worker of his. The co worker was blind . This man rushed his blind friend to safety because " I could not just leave him there alone", the employee stated. I hope he wins a medal for that!


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