All Your Questions Answered About Dancers
Can you show me a routine?
Honestly every dancer would love to dance for you with no questions asked. But there really isn't any room or music to dance with most of the time you ask. The dancer also has to be in that dance feel where she/he feels comfortable and has lots of space to twist and turn without hitting someone in the face. More and likely you'll get the "I don't have my team with me so it may not look good" or the "I'm too tired right now maybe later." We say these things because we don't want to hurt your feelings. Maybe you should ask "Do you you think you could show me a routine one day?"or maybe "Do you want to find space so you can move?" This will probably get the dancer more interested and willing to show you something. Also don't have a demanding voice either like "Hey, show me a routine" or "Let me take you somewhere and show me a move." These will just scare the dancer and make you sound like a creep.
Do you not have to work out because dance is like cardio?
That's really a hard question to answer personally for me because some days I dance and I'm not tired so I may do a workout or go around the pond in my neighborhood a couple of times. Then there's days when I'm so tired from dancing that I just go to my bed and go to sleep in till I'm hungry. This isn't a bad question to ask but don't expect a full accurate answer. You probably won't get a yes or no answer.
Have you tried out for "So You Think You Can Dance"?
The mostly likely answer to that question will be a no. Unless your in one of those big cities where dance is everything like LA or New York. I personally have never tried out. I have never really thought about it. It's more of a learning experience just to watch. Seeing what artists that aren't dancers think about dance and helps see in the non dancers eyes. Most dancers either can't afford it or don't have enough courage to try. It puts your name out there for sure but I personally know I can dance so if someone offered me to go i would not take it.
Did you see this dance group?
More and likely if you've seen it, the dancer has seen it too. We watch dance all day so more and likely we have. We have probably watched more dance routine videos in one day more than you have in 3 months.
Do you want to dance when you grow up?
Every dancer has a different answer to this question. Some dancers are more serious with it and some just do it for fun. I personally have always wanted to dance as my career but it doesn't pay much. Most dancers have to have a second job and definitely have a partner to live with. Also being a dancer would make it hard to have kids so some people quit there dream to have there other dream to have kids. It really depends on the person and also what they decide to do with there dancing. Whether that be dancing on cruises, disney world or land, or even dancing as a stripper. Most try to steer away from the last option though.
Do you know the little girl from Sia's music video?
Lord Jesus help me. Please don't ask this question. We get asked this so much it's ridiculous. I personally hate the video so I hate when people ask me. It's like someone asking if you've ever heard of your most hated desire ever. Just don't ask it. It's never anything personal but you probably won't get a nice look from it and maybe not so nice words either.
That isn't all
There is plenty more questions that you should and should not ask a dancer but I won't be able to fit them because there's just too many. Hopefully this helped in making sure you ask the right type of questions and know what to expect as an answer.