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The Arrow!

Updated on August 6, 2018
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There are many superhero television shows out there, but aside from The Flash, Arrow is one of my personal favorites!

Season One- The Vigilante!

In the beginning, no one knew what to call Oliver Queen.
In the beginning, no one knew what to call Oliver Queen.

Season One Episode Guide

Episode 1- Pilot

Episode 2- Honor Thy Father

Episode 3- Lone Gunmen

Episode 4- An Innocent Man

Episode 5- Damaged

Episode 6- Legacies

Episode 7- Muse Of Fire

Episode 8- Vendetta

Episode 9- Year's End

Episode 10- Burned

Episode 11- Trust But Verify

Episode 12- Vetrigo

Episode 13- Betrayal

Episode 14- The Odyssey

Episode 15- Dodger

Episode 16- Dead To Rights

Episode 17- The Huntress Returns

Episode 18- Salvation

Episode 19- Unfinished Business

Episode 20- Home Invasion

Episode 21- The Undertaking

Episode 22- Darkness On The Edge Of Town

Episode 23- Sacrifice

The Queens Gambit!

The yacht sank during a heavy storm in 2007. Leading to Oliver becoming stranded on the island.
The yacht sank during a heavy storm in 2007. Leading to Oliver becoming stranded on the island.

Lian Yu- Where It All Began!

Lian Yu Island!

Oliver spent five years trapped on the Lian Yu island, also known as Purgatory. It is an island in the North China Sea. He was stranded from 2007 to 2012, when he was found by Chinese fisherman. Also the place that he put his father to rest under a pile of heavy rocks. Upon putting his father to rest, Oliver found an empty book hidden within his fathers pocket. During the first few episodes of the show we see that the very same book turned out to have writing (mainly names) written in it with people who had helped to destroy the city. Oliver's father put him in charge of cleaning up his mess, as well as every name that was on the list, then making Sterling City safe again.

Island Oliver!

What Oliver looked like after five years of being stranded on that island.
What Oliver looked like after five years of being stranded on that island.


Upon Oliver returning home, he noticed things that had become different due to the fact that he had been missing for five years. His mother was remarried, which just so happened to be to his fathers best friend Walter. Thea was five years older with the nickname "speedy" and a reputation for a rich party brat, who gets whatever she wants and consequences be damned. Walter started running Queen Consolidated (Robert Queen's) company after the presumed deaths of both Robert and Oliver. They no longer celebrated Christmas since Oliver wasn't there to share it with them. Also when Oliver first arrived back home, Laurel wanted nothing to do with him (probably out of guilt for sleeping with his best friend Tommy) and probably partly for her still hating him for cheating with her sister, and for getting her sister Sara killed when the Queen Gambit sank. Laurel's father was none to pleased to see Oliver alive after five years either.

Arrow's Lair!

Oliver chose the basement level of Queen Industrial Inc. for his base of operations.
Oliver chose the basement level of Queen Industrial Inc. for his base of operations.

Oliver's Starting Outfit!

Oliver's outfit in the beginning.
Oliver's outfit in the beginning.

Oliver's Choice Of Weapon!

Symbolic carbon fiber longbow with green painted arrows, eventually leading people to call him the green vigilante.
Symbolic carbon fiber longbow with green painted arrows, eventually leading people to call him the green vigilante.

Bratva Tattoo!

Oliver was one of the highest ranking members of the Russian Mafia. He has a tattoo of the Bratva. The meaning behind his tattoo is that he is a captain. He became a captain after saving Anatoly Knyazev's life.
Oliver was one of the highest ranking members of the Russian Mafia. He has a tattoo of the Bratva. The meaning behind his tattoo is that he is a captain. He became a captain after saving Anatoly Knyazev's life.

Thea Grieving!

For five years all that Thea had to grieve were the headstones of Robert and Oliver. Moira Queen was not around during the time when Thea needed her most, leaving Thea to thrive in the life of parties, drugs, alcohol, and multiple counts of being arrested and having her records wiped.

First Encounter- Oliver and Felicity!

Oliver first meets Felicity in the IT Department at Queens Consolidated. Throughout season one Oliver goes to Felicity many times in need of her intellect.
Oliver first meets Felicity in the IT Department at Queens Consolidated. Throughout season one Oliver goes to Felicity many times in need of her intellect.

Dead-shot & His Weapon Of Choice- Curare!

He was an assassin who used long-ranged weaponry and the neuro-toxin Curare to poison his bullets. Thence becoming the world's deadliest marksman.
He was an assassin who used long-ranged weaponry and the neuro-toxin Curare to poison his bullets. Thence becoming the world's deadliest marksman.
The use of Curare and the consequence of using it.
The use of Curare and the consequence of using it.

Arrow Discovered As Being Oliver Queen

Oliver reveals to Diggle that he is The Vigilante after Diggle gets shot by one of Dead-shots bullets that are laced with Curare. Then leading to Oliver asking Diggle to become his partner.
Oliver reveals to Diggle that he is The Vigilante after Diggle gets shot by one of Dead-shots bullets that are laced with Curare. Then leading to Oliver asking Diggle to become his partner.

Moira Queen Caught In Her Lies!

Walter (Moira's husband) was going over the company accounts when he found an anomaly within the company balances. Upon voicing his worries to Moira, she then told him that the money that had come up missing from the company she had used. Seeing as how she never mentioned taking the money from the company Walter took it upon himself to ask Felicity to look into Moira's story, only later to find out that the money that Moira said she used for one thing actually turned out to have paid for a warehouse under the name "Tempest". Upon Walter arriving at the warehouse, he finally figured out the password to get in, the password being -Robert- only then to discover the remains of the Queens Gambit. That is when Walter finally started seeing Moira's lies.

Tempest Symbol!

Covert organization responsible for sabotaging the Queens Gambit in 2007. It is also a map of the underground subway tunnels under the Glades, which Malcolm Merlyn destroyed the east side with the second device!
Covert organization responsible for sabotaging the Queens Gambit in 2007. It is also a map of the underground subway tunnels under the Glades, which Malcolm Merlyn destroyed the east side with the second device!

Thea's Drug Addictions!

During season one of Arrow Thea is addicted to Speed, which in turn is her drug of choice in the beginning. Which also happened to give her the nickname "speedy".
During season one of Arrow Thea is addicted to Speed, which in turn is her drug of choice in the beginning. Which also happened to give her the nickname "speedy".
During season one of Arrow Thea takes Vertigo during her 18th birthday party when she sees Malcolm laying his hand on her mother (Moira's) back, then thinking that her mother is having an affair on Walter, she then takes the drug and crashes her car.
During season one of Arrow Thea takes Vertigo during her 18th birthday party when she sees Malcolm laying his hand on her mother (Moira's) back, then thinking that her mother is having an affair on Walter, she then takes the drug and crashes her car.

Laurel Is Kidnapped!

Cyrus Vanch had Laurel kidnapped to draw out the vigilante, in hopes that he would be destroyed.
Cyrus Vanch had Laurel kidnapped to draw out the vigilante, in hopes that he would be destroyed.
In the end the vigilante and Laurel's father saved her from Cyrus Vanch. Although the vigilante had to shoot detective Lance's gun from his hand before the detective shot Vanch.
In the end the vigilante and Laurel's father saved her from Cyrus Vanch. Although the vigilante had to shoot detective Lance's gun from his hand before the detective shot Vanch.


Moira went to the triad to execute Malcolm Merlyn, but no one had ever determined how the end would pan out. Tommy learned the truth about his father. And Oliver being the vigilante saved Malcolm's life thinking him to be an innocent man.
Moira went to the triad to execute Malcolm Merlyn, but no one had ever determined how the end would pan out. Tommy learned the truth about his father. And Oliver being the vigilante saved Malcolm's life thinking him to be an innocent man.

The Lies Finally Make Sense!

After Malcolm is shot, Oliver had to reveal himself to Tommy as the vigilante in order for Tommy to allow Oliver to help to save Malcolm's life.
After Malcolm is shot, Oliver had to reveal himself to Tommy as the vigilante in order for Tommy to allow Oliver to help to save Malcolm's life.

The Undertaking!

When Moira shot the vigilante when he demanded to know what the "Undertaking" was. Police had the blood evidence of Oliver until Felicity hacked into the database and compromised the evidence.
When Moira shot the vigilante when he demanded to know what the "Undertaking" was. Police had the blood evidence of Oliver until Felicity hacked into the database and compromised the evidence.
When Oliver and Diggle hatch a plan to get Moira to talk about the "Undertaking". Diggle pretends to be the vigilante, who hurts Oliver in turn to make Moira tell them the information that they needed.
When Oliver and Diggle hatch a plan to get Moira to talk about the "Undertaking". Diggle pretends to be the vigilante, who hurts Oliver in turn to make Moira tell them the information that they needed.
When the vigilante confronted Malcolm Merlyn, turned out he was in for a surprise. Malcolm was ready for him, and if the fighting was anything to go by, then I would say they were trained in the same fighting arts.
When the vigilante confronted Malcolm Merlyn, turned out he was in for a surprise. Malcolm was ready for him, and if the fighting was anything to go by, then I would say they were trained in the same fighting arts.
Oliver finally found out that Malcolm was in turn his counterpart. That it was Malcolm Merlyn who was the "Black Vigilante".
Oliver finally found out that Malcolm was in turn his counterpart. That it was Malcolm Merlyn who was the "Black Vigilante".
Malcolm was a bit surprised to find out that Oliver had been the vigilante all along. But instead of killing him, he decided to spare Oliver's life as the Undertaking weapon was in route to destroy the Glades.
Malcolm was a bit surprised to find out that Oliver had been the vigilante all along. But instead of killing him, he decided to spare Oliver's life as the Undertaking weapon was in route to destroy the Glades.
Even though Oliver got rid of Malcolm, only one of the bombs was deactivated, but without knowing that there was another bomb, well the east side of the Glades was demolished.
Even though Oliver got rid of Malcolm, only one of the bombs was deactivated, but without knowing that there was another bomb, well the east side of the Glades was demolished.
Even though Moira outed Malcolm, it was too late, the bombs had already been set, and Malcolm had already gotten what he had wanted. Moira got a free trip to prison for being a part of the "Undertaking" organization alongside Malcolm.
Even though Moira outed Malcolm, it was too late, the bombs had already been set, and Malcolm had already gotten what he had wanted. Moira got a free trip to prison for being a part of the "Undertaking" organization alongside Malcolm.
In the end Malcolm is dead. Tommy also dies after saving Laurel from the earthquake that would have killed her, had he not gotten her out of the law office in the Glades. Instead he lost his life, but he got to spend his last moments with Oliver.
In the end Malcolm is dead. Tommy also dies after saving Laurel from the earthquake that would have killed her, had he not gotten her out of the law office in the Glades. Instead he lost his life, but he got to spend his last moments with Oliver.

Felicity Found Out That Oliver Is The Vigilante!

Felicity finds out the vigilante's identity when Oliver gets shot by his mother and he ends up hiding out in Felicity's car. When Felicity realized the situation she hurried to get him to Queens Industrial Inc. She joined the team after that.
Felicity finds out the vigilante's identity when Oliver gets shot by his mother and he ends up hiding out in Felicity's car. When Felicity realized the situation she hurried to get him to Queens Industrial Inc. She joined the team after that.

The Vigilante Catch Phrase!

Old Queens Industrial Inc.

Oliver turned the old warehouse into his own private club/vigilante lair.
Oliver turned the old warehouse into his own private club/vigilante lair.

Thea Meets Roy!

Thea confronts Roy after she dropped the charges against him for stealing her purse.
Thea confronts Roy after she dropped the charges against him for stealing her purse.

Thea And Roy First Kiss!

Thea awards Roy with a kiss after getting stabbed for saving her from some really bad guys down in the Glades. Roy hated needless and when the doctor told him that he needed a shot, Thea kissed him to distract him from the needle.
Thea awards Roy with a kiss after getting stabbed for saving her from some really bad guys down in the Glades. Roy hated needless and when the doctor told him that he needed a shot, Thea kissed him to distract him from the needle.

Oliver's Season One Women!

Laurel was Oliver's first love. When they were first together before the Queens Gambit sunk, Oliver was a giant party boy, he ended up cheating on Laurel with her sister Sara. They had gotten back together at the end of the season.
Laurel was Oliver's first love. When they were first together before the Queens Gambit sunk, Oliver was a giant party boy, he ended up cheating on Laurel with her sister Sara. They had gotten back together at the end of the season. | Source
Even knowing that Oliver was with her sister, Sara fell in love with Oliver and they both went behind Laurel's back. Eventually their little affair ended after Sara drowned after the Queens Gambit sank.
Even knowing that Oliver was with her sister, Sara fell in love with Oliver and they both went behind Laurel's back. Eventually their little affair ended after Sara drowned after the Queens Gambit sank. | Source
Originally Helena met Oliver as the vigilante. When Oliver found out that Helena was killing off her fathers associates because her father sent out a hit on her fiance Michael, Oliver thought he could save her from being a killer. He was wrong.
Originally Helena met Oliver as the vigilante. When Oliver found out that Helena was killing off her fathers associates because her father sent out a hit on her fiance Michael, Oliver thought he could save her from being a killer. He was wrong. | Source
Oliver and McKenna had a brief fling, until McKenna was shot by Helena trying to execute her father, who was in turn under police protection. Mckenna ended their fling under duress of her getting shot.
Oliver and McKenna had a brief fling, until McKenna was shot by Helena trying to execute her father, who was in turn under police protection. Mckenna ended their fling under duress of her getting shot. | Source
While Oliver was stranded on the island, he had a short affair with Shado. Shado is the woman that taught Oliver to shoot the bow and arrows. Ivo made Oliver to choose who would live between Shado and Sara and Oliver saved Sara, having Shado killed.
While Oliver was stranded on the island, he had a short affair with Shado. Shado is the woman that taught Oliver to shoot the bow and arrows. Ivo made Oliver to choose who would live between Shado and Sara and Oliver saved Sara, having Shado killed. | Source

Arrows Second Name!

When Helena was arrested by detective Lance and Mckenna, She called the vigilante "The Hood". Within season one Oliver has been named The Vigilante, The Green Vigilante, and The Hood.

Bow #2

After Oliver's first bow was broken in combat, he then pulled out a recurve bow from his trunk down in the basement of his Verdant club. Shadowspire is the woman who taught Oliver to shoot a bow and arrow. She was also the only woman on the island with who Oliver kissed, but then shortly after stopped the kiss due to the fact that he was still in love with Laurel, even though her sister died for being with him on the yacht, Oliver survived the island with his love for Laurel, and not for Sara.

Season One Criminals!

Adam hunt

Martin Somers

Chien Na Wei

Deadshot- Floyd Lawton

Jason Brodeur

Derek Reston

Frank Bertinelli

Helena Bertinelli

Nick Salvati

Malcolm Merlyn

Garfield Lynns

Ted Gaynor

The Count

Cyrus Vanch


Joseph Falk

Dominic Alonzo

Season Two- The Arrow

Season Two Episode Guide

Episode 1- City Of Heroes

Episode 2- Identity

Episode 3- Broken Dolls

Episode 4- Crucible

Episode 5- League Of Assassins

Episode 6- Keep Your Enemies Closer

Episode 7- State V. Queen

Episode 8- The Scientist

Episode 9- Three Ghosts

Episode 10- Blast Radius

Episode 11- Blind Spot

Episode 12- Tremors

Episode 13- Heir To The Demon

Episode 14- Time Of Death

Episode 15- The Promise

Episode 16- Suicide Squad

Episode 17- Birds Of Prey

Episode 18- Deathstroke

Episode 19- The Man Under The Hood

Episode 20- Seeing Red

Episode 21- City Of Blood

Episode 22- Streets Of Fire

Episode 23- Unthinkable

Unknown Circumstances!

After jumping from a plane onto Lian Yu island, Felicity and John AKA Diggle go looking for Oliver to convince him to come back home, because the city needs him!
After jumping from a plane onto Lian Yu island, Felicity and John AKA Diggle go looking for Oliver to convince him to come back home, because the city needs him!
Walking around on an unknown island is never a good idea, especially when said island has land mines. Thankfully Diggle knew to tell Felicity not to move her foot off the mine.
Walking around on an unknown island is never a good idea, especially when said island has land mines. Thankfully Diggle knew to tell Felicity not to move her foot off the mine.
Nothing like a little Tarzan swinging to save the damsel and distress from sudden death. Needless to say Oliver saved Felicity from being chunked into a million pieces. In the end he went back to Sterling City!
Nothing like a little Tarzan swinging to save the damsel and distress from sudden death. Needless to say Oliver saved Felicity from being chunked into a million pieces. In the end he went back to Sterling City!

From Detective To Officer!

Since the SCPD were still uncertain about "The Vigilante" they demoted Quentin from detective to officer for being in contact with him and for using his information and advice. Lance named Oliver "The Arrow"
Since the SCPD were still uncertain about "The Vigilante" they demoted Quentin from detective to officer for being in contact with him and for using his information and advice. Lance named Oliver "The Arrow"

Moira's Son Takes The Blame!

After the Glades were in ruins and Moira had admitted to her part in "The Undertaking" four men take it upon themselves to kill Oliver for the people they lost. They flew through a window at Queen Consolidated while Oliver was being shot at.
After the Glades were in ruins and Moira had admitted to her part in "The Undertaking" four men take it upon themselves to kill Oliver for the people they lost. They flew through a window at Queen Consolidated while Oliver was being shot at.

Oliver's Third Bow!

Felicity had a oneida Kestrel compound bow custom made for Oliver.
Felicity had a oneida Kestrel compound bow custom made for Oliver.

Glades To The Rescue!

After the Glades were in ruin from "The Undertaking" Roy took it upon himself to try to help the people of the Glades.
After the Glades were in ruin from "The Undertaking" Roy took it upon himself to try to help the people of the Glades.

Woman In Black!

When Oliver came back to Sterling City, turns out there was already someone there fighting crime. Everyone called her "The woman in black". She calls herself "The Canary".
When Oliver came back to Sterling City, turns out there was already someone there fighting crime. Everyone called her "The woman in black". She calls herself "The Canary".
Oliver is the first person to find out that Sara is alive. Felicity and Diggle find out next. Quentin finds out fourth. Laurel and her mother find out last. Oliver admits to Felicity and Diggle that he saw Sara on the island.
Oliver is the first person to find out that Sara is alive. Felicity and Diggle find out next. Quentin finds out fourth. Laurel and her mother find out last. Oliver admits to Felicity and Diggle that he saw Sara on the island.
Nyssa and Sara became lovers while Sara trained with The League Of Assassins.
Nyssa and Sara became lovers while Sara trained with The League Of Assassins.
Sara took the snake venom poison and lay dying in Nyssa's arms after realizing that the league of assassins had poisoned Laurel with the poison when Sara refused to go back to them.
Sara took the snake venom poison and lay dying in Nyssa's arms after realizing that the league of assassins had poisoned Laurel with the poison when Sara refused to go back to them.

Mirakuru Means Miracle!

Japanese super soldier serum created during world war 2 that causes enhanced physical abilities, but it also makes the person that was injected with it unstable mind wise.
Japanese super soldier serum created during world war 2 that causes enhanced physical abilities, but it also makes the person that was injected with it unstable mind wise.

Loves Past Comes Back!

Lyla Michaels Argus agent. John Diggle ex military. Used to be married.
Lyla Michaels Argus agent. John Diggle ex military. Used to be married.

Oliver's Season Two Women!

After the undertaking, Isabel became Oliver's new partner at Queen Consolidated. They had a one night stand. Later found out that she had been working with Slade.
After the undertaking, Isabel became Oliver's new partner at Queen Consolidated. They had a one night stand. Later found out that she had been working with Slade. | Source
Oliver and Sara were together for a short time during season two. But after the obstacles with Slade and the league of assassins Sara thought it best that they not be together, plus she could see what Oliver meant to Felicity.
Oliver and Sara were together for a short time during season two. But after the obstacles with Slade and the league of assassins Sara thought it best that they not be together, plus she could see what Oliver meant to Felicity. | Source

The Truth Comes Out!

Moira is confronted by Malcolm after she is released from prison. He not only allowed her to be witness to the fact that he was still alive, but he also admitted to finding out that Thea is his daughter.
Moira is confronted by Malcolm after she is released from prison. He not only allowed her to be witness to the fact that he was still alive, but he also admitted to finding out that Thea is his daughter.

Team Arrow Meets Barry Allen!

Barry Allen came to Sterling City under false pretenses. He told "Team Arrow" that he came to Sterling city for a case, when really he wanted the arrows help.
Barry Allen came to Sterling City under false pretenses. He told "Team Arrow" that he came to Sterling city for a case, when really he wanted the arrows help.
Barry finds out that Oliver is the arrow after Oliver is injected with a strong acting blood coagulant. Barry saves Oliver's life using rat poison.
Barry finds out that Oliver is the arrow after Oliver is injected with a strong acting blood coagulant. Barry saves Oliver's life using rat poison.
Barry gave Oliver a face mask to go with his ensemble right before he left to head back home to Central City.
Barry gave Oliver a face mask to go with his ensemble right before he left to head back home to Central City.

New Superhero In Central City

Felicity is the last person that Barry talked to before he was struck by lightning in his lab in Central City.
Felicity is the last person that Barry talked to before he was struck by lightning in his lab in Central City.
When the particle accelorator exploded in Central City, a chain of events occured afterwards. One event being that Barry was struck by lightning and ended up in a coma for nine months.
When the particle accelorator exploded in Central City, a chain of events occured afterwards. One event being that Barry was struck by lightning and ended up in a coma for nine months.
When Barry was struck by lightning it gave him super speed, only for him to become The Flash.
When Barry was struck by lightning it gave him super speed, only for him to become The Flash.

Mirakuru Side Effects!

Roy was kidnapped by Sebastian and injected with Mirakuru. Had Oliver AKA "The Arrow" not saved him, then Roy would probably have died.
Roy was kidnapped by Sebastian and injected with Mirakuru. Had Oliver AKA "The Arrow" not saved him, then Roy would probably have died.

Laurel's Sobriety Troubles!

For a time during season two Laurel had a problem with taking prescription Opiates that were actually prescribed to her father. She couldn't handle the fact that Tommy was dead.
For a time during season two Laurel had a problem with taking prescription Opiates that were actually prescribed to her father. She couldn't handle the fact that Tommy was dead.
Laurel thought that she could drink away the guilt of Tommy being dead because she had stayed behind at CNRI even when she knew that the Glades were going to be destroyed.
Laurel thought that she could drink away the guilt of Tommy being dead because she had stayed behind at CNRI even when she knew that the Glades were going to be destroyed.

Mirakuru Is A Curse!

After Roy was injected with Mirakuru, Oliver took it upon himself as The Arrow to train Roy so that he wouldn't end up like Slade. The only thing that would pull Roy back after his anger got to him was Thea.
After Roy was injected with Mirakuru, Oliver took it upon himself as The Arrow to train Roy so that he wouldn't end up like Slade. The only thing that would pull Roy back after his anger got to him was Thea.
The only way that Oliver could get through to Roy was to reveal himself behind the hood and to remind Roy that Thea needed protecting.
The only way that Oliver could get through to Roy was to reveal himself behind the hood and to remind Roy that Thea needed protecting.

Felicity's First Battle Scar!

Felicity took a bullet for Sara during the bank robbery, in turn saving Sara's life.
Felicity took a bullet for Sara during the bank robbery, in turn saving Sara's life.

Slade Wilson!

Oliver found out that Slade is still alive after coming home to find him visiting with Moira. Then the pieces of the puzzle started falling together and Oliver realized that Slade was mass producing the Mirakuru.
Oliver found out that Slade is still alive after coming home to find him visiting with Moira. Then the pieces of the puzzle started falling together and Oliver realized that Slade was mass producing the Mirakuru.

The truth behind Mirakuru comes out!

After Oliver realized that Slade was still alive and that he was mass producing the Mirakuru, Oliver also realized that Slade had Sebastian inject it into Roy. Slade threatens to take away everything and everyone that Oliver has ever cared about. First Slade kidnapped Thea and told Thea that Malcolm Merlyn was her father. Slade tells Laurel that Oliver is The Arrow, although she is leery at first she soon realizes that it's the truth. Argus had named Slade "Deathstroke". Slade went to STAR LABS (first time we see Kaitlin and Cisco) and steals a device from the labs. Slade then kidnapped Roy and used him as a personal blood bank to transfer the Mirakuru into the prisoners that Slade had freed from the prison transport. Oliver ended up saving Roy, and in an attempt for redemption thought to teach him how to use his new abilities for good.

Mirakuru Cure!

Caitlin and Cisco created the cure. Most everyone who was injected with it was cured of it after Team Arrow saved the city. The only one left to cure was Slade.
Caitlin and Cisco created the cure. Most everyone who was injected with it was cured of it after Team Arrow saved the city. The only one left to cure was Slade.

Slade's Revenge!

After the city was overrun and Team Arrow cleaned up the mess, Slade kidnapped Oliver, Thea, and Moira. In and attempt to put Oliver in a tight position on choosing between Thea and Moira, Moira chose herself and Slade killed her.
After the city was overrun and Team Arrow cleaned up the mess, Slade kidnapped Oliver, Thea, and Moira. In and attempt to put Oliver in a tight position on choosing between Thea and Moira, Moira chose herself and Slade killed her.

Oliver Tricks Slade!

The Plan Worked!

When Oliver tells Felicity that he loves her for the first time, he also slips the cure to her knowing that Slade would kidnap her and that it was their only chance to turn him back so he couldn't hurt anyone else.

I Am Your Father!

After discovering that Malcolm was still alive and that he was her father, Thea did the only thing a girl could do, she shot him. Although he had on a cavlar vest which saved him. Eventually she left Sterling City with him to train.
After discovering that Malcolm was still alive and that he was her father, Thea did the only thing a girl could do, she shot him. Although he had on a cavlar vest which saved him. Eventually she left Sterling City with him to train.

End Of Season Two!

When season two was starting to wrap under, everyone got some very unexpected news. Lyla was pregnant!!! Diggle was going to be a dad. Although the circumstances behind Diggle finding out were a bit unorthodox. Everyone was excited for the happy couple.

© 2018 BleedingHeart


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