Astrology in a Nutshell
Lord, I Know You're Listening
Ancient and Addicting....Is it Accurate?
I have read many books about astrology, reincarnation, spirituality and the like. Religious fanatics will tell you that "stargazers are among the damned," as that is what is written in the Bible. Some people follow their horoscopes and do not follow the Lord, which has probably been the reason for this attitude to begin with. Any type of anger directed at misguided souls is not healthy and will not bring about the desired results.
Aside from that, there is definitely something to astrology. I have seen the personality traits people have that are perfectly described by the aspects between the planets at the time and place of birth.
It could all be interconnected. In order to grasp the true purpose of astrology, one must have have a very open-minded approach. It could be said that it would also be necessary to believe in reincarnation to gain true understanding.
Not a lot of people feel comfortable talking about this sort of thing, as there are not a lot of people who feel that they can openly discuss their beliefs. Astrology and spirituality, in general, are considered "taboo" in religious communities.
Astrology as a practice does keep a person stuck in a rut, so to speak. If you believe in the laws of the universe, then you know that thoughts become things. If you read a horoscope, even though it might not have been true or come true before reading it, you can unconsciously invite those things into your existence.
If there is such a thing as reincarnation, then people would have karma accumulated that could explain those things that seem unfair. For instance, why a child might be born blind (seeing something very disturbing in another life), or why a woman can't have children (she abused her children in another life).
And it might also explain why certain people can't seem to break disturbing habits. I have also read that birthmarks are supposed to show fatal wounds from other lives. More than one book has said that suicides are doomed to repeat a life with similar circumstances until they face up to the obligations and problems in their lives that led to the suicide.
It makes for some very interesting reading, to say the least. I would strongly recommend the books written by the psychiatrist who used to be a chairman at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Dr. Brian Weiss. His book, Many Lives, Many Masters was a real eye opener for me.
It might be said that people who have lessons to learn need to have certain personality traits in order to learn those lessons. These personality traits would be in place to attract the circumstances to themselves in order to learn those lessons. As people have subsequent lives, they grow closer and closer to the perfection needed to be able to move on to the mental planes and no longer need to reincarnate.
Some people learn their "life path" through a natal birth chart interpretation, and then they become resigned to the "fact" that they are stuck in that path. What they don't realize is that karma can be balanced using the law of grace. A person's life path is a changeable thing. Ask. Believe. Receive.
Since turning away from astrology, I have learned that through God, all things are possible. And while past life experiences may or may not have affected my life as it was, it is the change in me that has brought me to a better place. I no longer read horoscopes. I no longer try to chart my life by the stars. I have given my fears to a higher power, and He is now my guiding light.
God being the source of all energy (everything being made up of His energy) has also explained to me how God can be everywhere. That was a source of confusion and disbelief for most of my formative years. It makes it easier to believe that He is in control knowing that He has put the laws of the universe in place. Astrology is just another one of those tools. And as with any tool, it can be misused.
Don't be led astray by astrology. While it is true that one should not start anything new or sign any contracts during retrograde Mercury, there are times that we have to do that anyways. Sometimes, the transaction is actually to our benefit but not to the benefit of the other party in the agreement.
Sometimes we have to have faith. That is the place that astrology usually comes in. It is usually when a person is doubting the ability to handle what lies ahead that the person turns to astrology. This becomes a habit. Some people think that it can help them see into the future.
It is necessary to break this addiction in order to become connected to a higher power. Releasing yourself from the bondage of this addiction can free you from the shackles of believing that your future is only revealed through the transits of universe.
It's so much more than that.