Penny and Sheldon
The Bing Bang Theory: lessons in life
“Bazinga!” My favorite Sheldon word, and yes, I am a fan of The Big Bang Theory. I like how Penny is the perfect foil to Sheldon’s character. The show I watched on Thursday, April 25th focused on passion vs. obsession, and did so brilliantly. Having Amy use behavioral therapy on Sheldon only to have Sheldon patiently wait for her to leave in order to complete every compulsion she had (in her mind) successfully cured him of was priceless. Meanwhile, Penny frustrates over not having anything she can feel passionate about only to decide in the end, that she did not need anything specific when she could just show her love for Leonard and their friends.
“Bazinga!” Those moments for Sheldon when he believes he has bested them all are not the real Bazinga moments on The Big Bang Theory. The show is about obsession vs. passion and each episode threads a moral we can all use in our own lives.
You do not have to be a science nerd to enjoy The Big Bang Theory. Nothing makes my six and eight year old nieces cackle any louder or any longer than when Sheldon knocks, “Penny! Penny! [insert pause] Penny!”
For the longest time, sitcoms seemed to be the only shows I watched. And now, The Big Bang Theory seems to be the only sitcom I watch.
Sheldon and Amy
Do you think Sheldon and Amy will tie the knot?
© 2013 ocfireflies