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Brad Pitt's 5 Best Movies You Must Watch

Updated on June 9, 2019
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William Bradley Pitt or better known as Brad Pitt is an actor born December 18, 1963. Brad Pitt began to be known through his role in drama movies such as "A River Runs Through It" (1992) and "Legends of the Fall" (1994), and horror movie "Interview with the Vampire" (1994). He also received the prestigious "Academy Award" award and won the "Golden Globe" as the best supporting actor. Here are 5 best recommended movies that Brad Pitt has played based on reviews from movie critics and viewers.



In addition to his shrewdness in playing various characters, Brad Pitt seems not satisfied. At Moneyball, the charismatic actor seemed to want to show his ingenuity. Brad Pitt played the character Billy Beane, a key manager of the Oakland Athletics "underdog" baseball team who was hit by a difficult situation of lack of funds so Beane had to find a way to overcome it.

In such depressed conditions, Beane found an impressive player screening method. By using a computer, Beane began screening players so that in one team even though they contained players who did not enchant their achievements, they could fill positions and perform their roles very well so that the Oakland Athletics managed by him could become a very competitive team.

The first Brad Pitt movie that recommended was Moneyball, produced by Bennett Miller. The story was an adaptation of the same book written by Michael M. Lewis based on the true story of William Lamar Beane III or known as Billy Beane, a former baseball player with a lot of experience. Besides Brad Pitt, Moneyball also stars by Jonah Hill and Philip Hoffman.

Moneyball received high scores from movie critics with a percentage of 94% and 84% of the audience (based on Rotten Tomatoes).

2. Inglourious Basterds


Inglourious Basterds movie was about history, precisely the dark events that befell Jewish residents in Europe by the Nazi regime's dictatorship. This Brad Pitt's second best movie tells of an agenda planned by a group of Jewish-American guerrillas to eradicate Nazis who named themselves with the Basterds group.

Brad Pitt is the leader of the rebel group. Pitt portrays the character of Lieutenant Aldo Raine, an officer who is not afraid to finish off Nazi soldiers. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, also stars Christoph Waltz, who at the Oscars won his first trophy as Best Supporting Actor because Waltz spoke in four languages: English, German, Italian and French in this movie.

Got 88% by critics and 87% from audience.

3. Ocean's Eleven


Ocean's Eleven was the opening story of two subsequent sequels directed by Steven Soderbergh. Starring by Brad Pitt, is a blockbuster movie that made a plot adaptation of the Fast and Furious movie franchise which Paul Walker and Vin Diesel became the main characters.

Ocean's Eleven explains about planned crime by Danny Ocean (George Clooney) and Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt). Danny invites Rusty to do a robbery at the casino owned by Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia) who is famous for his tight security. To be able to break through the casino entrance, Danny and Samudra gather people first so that the mission to rob the richest person in Las Vegas is successful.

This third best movie of Brad Pitt got 82% from critics and 80% from audience.

Despite taking the theme of robbery that is usually encountered with cruel fighting scenes, Ocean's Eleven in fact takes a smarter side. Steven, as the director, made Clooney and Pitt to carry out robberies with the smart way and did not require a lot of casualties so that the audience would not be bored with the mainstream spectacle that is usually presented in robbery actions.

4. Fight Club

The main stars in the Fight Club movie are Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. The fourth best Brad Pitt movie was directed by David Fincher, with a duration of 139 minutes, telling about the life of a young man (Edward Norton) who suffered from insomnia. The young man met a soap sales man, Tyler Durden (played by Brad Pitt), who later changed him into a different person than before.

Despite carrying drama, Fight Club is far from being dramatic. Fight Club presents a lot of brutal fights, sprinkles without mercy, until terrible bloodshed. Speaking of Brad Pitt, he can play Durden's character very well, as well as his co-star, Edward Norton. At the end, Fight Club will give a twist ending that will surely make the audience wonder, "Hah, how come?".

That's why this movie got high scored on review (96%) and 79% from critics

5. Se7en

If you are a fan of thrillers, mysteries, criminals, and of course love Brad Pitt, then Se7en must be included in your list of favorite movies. Se7en, led by people who are also in charge of Fight Club, David Fincher as director, tells of a murder case carried out by a mysterious killer who did the action by following the story of Seven Great Sins listed in the Bible and from Dante Alighieri's books about 7 major sins committed by humans.

Se7en paired the famous actor Brad Pitt with Morgan Freeman. Both of them play their roles as detectives who must work together to investigate the case. It is not easy for William Somerset (Freeman) and David Mills (Pitt) to arrest the perpetrators of the serial killings, especially with the method of killing which requires both guessing who the next victim is and where the next murder location will take place.

This movie got scored 81% by critics and 95% by audience


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