Carlos Mencia's Jokes (or are they?)
No, Ned. No. Bad Ned.
Does Carlos "borrow" his material? Well.... yes, according to fellow comedian Joe Rogan.
Carlos has been accused by Joe Rogan (very publicly) and other comedians of stealing jokes. Carlos adamantly denies the claims, saying that the jokes were his or that they were so broad they could belong to no one.
But take a look for yourself. Listen to bits that Carlos Mencia has performed and listen to ones done by other comedians (earlier). Decide for yourself.
The Infamous Confrontation - Rogan vs. Mencia
So it's February 10, 2007, at the Comedy Store (owned by Pauly Shore's mommy, FYI), Joe Rogan refers to Carlos as "Carlos Men-steal-ya". yada yada yada....they get into it.
Ned Holness
a.k.a. Carlos Mencia
So the story goes..."Carlos Mencia" was born to parents Magdelena MencÃa (a name for which I find great humor) and Roberto Holness. As Mom and Dad were fighting at the time of his birth, Mom Magdelena refused to give the child Daddy Roberto's surname. And, so the baby became, Ned Arnel MencÃa. Out of respect for his Dad, Ned went by his name until age 18 anyway...Ned Arnel Holness. You know him as Carlos Mencia. How many names do you have?
curated content from Flickr
I guess if you're going to steal something you might as well steal from the best, but to take from Bill Cosby, Himself, is just asking to be called out on it. Who hasn't seen this routine? It is a classic.
My grandmother used to quote from this set, and I've heard 7 year old kids repeat some of the jokes. A professional comedian should not be telling the same stolen jokes as a second grader is while eating his cereal.
Will you stop touching me?!?!
Carlos Stuff
So, where do you stand on Carlos Mencia's jokes?
What do you think?
Carlos Links
- Carlos Mencia
Carlos Mencia's Official Website - Joe Rogan's Account
Joe Rogan's Account of the Night of the Infamous Video - Comedy Central: Shows - Mind of Mencia
Critically-acclaimed comedian Carlos Mencia mercilessly skewers the current and the cultural, whether in the studio or out on the street. Enter the Mind of Mencia and immerse yourself in his unique, unflinching take on the world. - Carlos Mencia on MySpace
MySpace Profile - CARLOS MENCIA, 39 years old, Male, , CALIFORNIA, US, The OFFICIAL Carlos Mencia My Space Page! - Carlos Lies Too
Carlos lies about his fans putting Joe Rogan in his place. - Joe - Conduit to the Gain Mind
Official site for comedian Joe Rogan. News, Message Board, Gallery, Audio, Video, Downloads, and more. - Joe Rogan on MySpace
MySpace Profile - Joe Rogan, 39 years old, Male, HELL-A, CALIFORNIA, US, The official WWW.JOEROGAN.NET myspace page.
In Carlos' Defense
So, in an unsuccessful attempt to be objective, I present this video as Carlos Mencia's defense.